Pedagogical support for young people in the transition to independence
You are between 18 and 20 years old and answer yes to one of the following questions?
- You feel like an adult, but not yet up to the new demands placed on you?
- You are not clear about how things should go on for you?
- You can't get along with your parents any more? You want to do your own thing, but are still economically dependent on your parents?
- You want to earn your own money, but don't have a plan yet?
- You want to take your life into your own hands, but don't yet know how?
- Do you have drug problems and want to change them?
We can do that for you:
- We listen, try to understand your problem and find a workable solution together.
- We show you how you can achieve your goals yourself. If necessary, we develop a customised coaching offer.
- We check and decide according to pedagogical criteria which support is helpful and has a chance of success.
- We guide you through the interfaces between school, training and work, are well networked and thus create a transition.
- We mediate between you and your parents or guardians and create a less conflictual atmosphere.
- We coordinate medical-therapeutic measures if necessary.
- If necessary, we will accompany you during the transition to other support systems.
If, after a clarifying counselling phase, it becomes clear that you need a comprehensive youth support service, a suitable educational specialist will determine the next steps together with you.
All counselling services are voluntary and are largely based on agreed realistic goals.
Possible support services are:
- Personal advice
- Outpatient coaching
- Activation of the Successful Transitions Network; cooperative access to the offers of the Job Centre, the Federal Employment Agency or the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe (Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe)
- Educationally supervised forms of housing
- Participation in personal development projects
You should also know this:
- All conversations are confidential and subject to the duty of confidentiality.
- Counselling settings and support services are voluntary.
- It is explicitly a youth welfare support that is linked to the need and your will to change. You should be willing to engage in a personal educational coaching process.
legal prerequisites
(1) A young adult shall be granted help for personal development and to lead an independent life if and as long as the help is necessary due to the individual situation of the young person.
As a rule, assistance shall be granted only until the young person reaches the age of 21; in justified individual cases, it shall be continued for a limited period of time beyond that age.(2) Section 27 (3) and (4) as well as Sections 28 to 30, 33 to 36, 39 and 40 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the arrangement of assistance, with the proviso that the young adult shall take the place of the person with parental authority or the child or young person.
(3) The young adult shall also be advised and supported to the necessary extent in becoming independent after the assistance has ended.