Handbook "Child protection in the district of Warendorf"

In recent years, child protection, prevention and early help have become increasingly present topics and have been consolidated by legal measures. The protection of children and adolescents has been strengthened as a task for society as a whole and can only succeed if it is understood as a joint task of all social fields of action and the actors work together in a coordinated manner.
The Youth Welfare Offices in the district of Warendorf have now adapted and updated the tried and tested Early Intervention and Protection Manual ("Green Folder") to the professional and legal developments. It shows how facilities and services from youth welfare, schools, health care and other fields of work can deal with indications of possible threats to children's well-being and is intended to serve as a guide in everyday work.
The complete manual as well as the corresponding documentation templates can be downloaded free of charge from the website of the Warendorf district: https://www.kreis-warendorf.de/unsere-themen/jugendamt/handbuch