Of mice, moles and fleas

Child day care navigator

In a day care group, up to nine children are cared for by qualified childminders in child-friendly rooms with the aim of education and support. This has created another flexible offer for parents with young children.

If you are planning to pre-register your child in a child day care group, please use the child day care navigator.


    Bumblebees, mice, moles and city beetles meet in Beckum

    Children up to the age of three are cared for in a small group by childminders who act as permanent caregivers. There are areas for age-appropriate stimulation, for rest and care times as well as a large outdoor area. In close contact with the childminder, the child learns with all its senses how to learn about the world. Rituals in the daily routine provide structure and security for the children. Meals are freshly prepared every day.

    In the district of Beckum there are four day care groups, the Hummelnest, the Mäusetreff, the Maulwurfstreff and the Stadtkäfer, they are offered by:

    Multi-generation house Mothers' Centre
    Wilhelmstraße 41
    02521 824490-131
    02521 824490-20 (fax)
    Homepage of the Mothers' Centre

    Opening hours:
    Mondays to Fridays from 08:00 to 12:30.
    The times can be arranged individually. Childcare is also available in the afternoons.


    The Rasselbande Miniclub in Neubeckum is a small group for children from three months to three years. It is offered by:

    Mini-Club e. V.
    Non-profit association for childcare
    Rasselbande group, Hauptstraße 87
    02525 9627086
    0152 23488817

    Flohkiste Group, Gottfried Polysius Str. 6
    0152 07359907


    Opening hours:
    Monday to Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
    The times depend on demand and can be arranged individually with the childminders and the provider.

    Pedagogical content and goals
    The first and most important goal is for the children to feel wanted, safe and secure in the group. The daily routine is based as closely as possible on a family structure. They play, sing and do handicrafts together. Likewise, individual cleanliness and hygiene education is one of the most important tasks. The development of the child's personality, skills and interests is of great importance.
    Each child has his or her own bed so that he or she can take a nap according to his or her needs. Meals are also prepared while the children are present.

    Nutrition during the care time
    The children bring breakfast from home. Lunch and a snack (fruit) are freshly prepared every day. Attention is paid to a healthy diet appropriate for the children.