Childcare places

playing children
Link to the Kita-Navigator

Education, promotion and care of children are an important part of the upbringing and education system. The city of Beckum has therefore ensured the expansion of child day care places in line with demand.

The City of Beckum is not only a provider of its own childcare services, but as a public youth welfare agency it is also responsible for the entire planning and financing of day care for children. This task is carried out within the framework of a continuous exchange with those involved in politics, administration, as well as the providers, facilities and day care persons. The aim of the exchange is to ensure that the existing needs-based, flexible day care for children continues to be adapted to the changing demands of society.

  • Reliable offers

    Parents are strengthened in their parenting skills through information and counselling. Reliable services make it easier for them to combine family and work.

    • For children under one year of age, day care is the standard form of support.
    • Children from one to under three years of age can be supported in day care (with childminders or in day care groups) as well as in day care centres.
    • The daycare centres are available for children from the age of three.
    • For school children, there are open all-day schools (OGS).

    If there is a special need, the day care services offered by the facilities can be supplemented by day care services for children.

  • Large selection of day care centres

    In day care centres, children are cared for by well-trained pedagogical staff until they start school. They are accompanied and supported in their playful learning. Their individual abilities are recognised and promoted. Early childhood education and the support of personality development in day care centres are important foundations for the further development of children. In addition to strengthening social skills, the early promotion of language acquisition also plays an essential role here.

    The 24 day care centres in Beckum offer diversity. Parents can choose between day care centres run by different providers. Questions of organisational form (for example, parent initiative) or educational and denominational orientation and, last but not least, the size of the day care centre also offer the opportunity to take into account very individual criteria when looking for a suitable place. In order to be able to continue to fulfil the legal entitlement to a childcare place for children from one to six years of age, Beckum has continuously expanded the number of places available throughout the city. All day-care centres are family centres or affiliated to a family centre network and offer family-related counselling and support services.

    In the Kita-Navigator, you have the possibility to quickly and easily find out about the childcare offers in the Beckum kindergartens and to make a reservation.

    All day care centres at a glance

Childcare is on solid ground
Numerous providers in Beckum offer a wide range of well-qualified services to support children in the development of their individual potential. The joint support of children with and without disabilities is generally possible in all day care centres. Children with a need for further special educational support and medical care receive inclusive support in a day care centre in Beckum.

  • Online to the day care place

    The Kita-Navigator makes it easier for you to find the "right" kindergarten place.

    The online preregistration system provides you with a comprehensive information platform for all day care centres in Beckum. You can use the Kita-Navigator to register your child for one or more day care centres.

    Please note: The Kita-Navigator can only be used to make a reservation. The childcare contract is concluded personally between you and the day care centre.

    Data protection: Your data will be collected, stored and processed in compliance with the legal provisions. You will receive further information on data protection when you register with the Kita-Navigator. Homepage of the Kita-Navigator

    7 steps to reservation:

    1. search for a day care centre
    2. Select day care centre
    3. Call up a watch list
    4. Enter legal guardian
    5. Enter child
    6. Check data
    7. Complete registration

    Follow these simple steps to register your child for a day care centre.

    If you wish, you can access a password-protected area. Here you can view the status of your reservations at any time and receive notifications, such as an invitation to a viewing or a place confirmation.

    Alternatively, you can also receive all communications by post.

    Flyer with all information

Municipal day care centres

The city of Beckum has 2 day care centres for children.

further information

  • Representation of interests

    The parents' councils of the individual day care centres and the Youth Welfare Office Parents ' Council (JAEB) represent the interests of the parents. The meeting of the parents' councils of the day care centres in Beckum elect the Youth Welfare Office Parents' Council (Jugendamtselternbeirat). The JAEB represents the interests of the parents vis-à-vis youth welfare organisations, the administration and politicians and is involved in important city-wide issues concerning the day care centres.

    Jugendamtselternbeirat (JAEB)

    Contact person is the 1st chairman Mr. Jörg Moselage

  • Parental contributions and other costs

    Good care has its price. If your child attends a day care centre in Beckum, parental contributions will be due to the Child, Youth and Family Support Service according to your income. The amount depends on the parents' gross annual income, the weekly hours of care and the age of the child. You can find more information in the information sheet on parental contributions or in the service portal.

    Once you have concluded the childcare contract with the day care centre for your child, the centre will report your data to the Child, Youth and Family Support Service. From there you will receive all the necessary information and the declaration of parental income. Please complete the declaration carefully and then return it to the Child, Youth and Family Support Service.

    Up to a gross annual income of up to 33,000 euros, you do not pay any parental contribution.
    If you have more than one child who attends a day care centre or an open all-day school at the same time or is looked after in day care, the parental contribution is only charged for one child with a gross annual income of up to 51,000 euros - for the child with the higher contribution. With a higher income, the contribution for the second child is reduced to 30 per cent in day care centres and in day care. This also applies if your children attend different facilities. If your child attends the day care centre of a parents' initiative, there is usually also an association fee. You pay this directly to the day care centre or its provider.

    Afternoon care and lunch money
    If your child attends afternoon care, you also pay a contribution for lunch (lunch money) directly to the day care centre or its provider. Parents with low incomes who do not have to pay a parental contribution but have to pay for meals can apply for a subsidy as part of the benefits for education and participation or as part of the economic assistance according to § 90 paragraph 3 of Book Eight of the Social Code (SGB VIII).
    The Child, Youth and Family Support Service can reduce the parental contribution or waive it completely if certain conditions are met. To do so, you must submit an application to the Child, Youth and Family Support Service.