Barrier-free Beckum

Inclusion is taken seriously in Beckum.

For example, there is not only the function of a disability representative within the administration, but the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities is also being actively promoted.

This is ensured by the inclusion plan for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the city of Beckum and its update.

  • Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities

    In order to implement the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the city of Beckum has decided to create an inclusion plan. The working group Begegnung (Encounter) has dealt intensively with this topic.

    The inclusion plan of the city of Beckum was adopted by the council in September 2018. This plan aims to support and implement inclusion.

    The inclusion plan can be viewed in a non-accessible version under further information.

    In the meantime, there is the update of the Inclusion Plan for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the City of Beckum 2023.

    This was adopted at the meeting of the Beckum City Council on 20 June 2023 and thus came into force.

    The update is now being translated into plain language. As soon as the version is published, it will also be available here.

  • Inclusion plan for the implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in the city of Beckum

    Inclusion Plan of the City of Beckum 2018

    The inclusion plan of the city of Beckum was adopted by the council in September 2018. This plan aims to support and implement inclusion.

    The plan is only available in a non-accessible version. The printed version can be obtained from the Disability Officer.

  • Update of the Inclusion Plan for the Implementation of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities of the City of Beckum 2023

    The inclusion plan from 2018 has been updated.

    The update contains an overview from the evaluation of short-term measures that have either been completed or have become permanent tasks. In addition, 25 measures for a period of up to 5 years have been taken over for implementation or newly formulated.

    An evaluation of the short-term measures must be presented in 2026.

    The update is now being translated into plain language. As soon as the document is available, it will be published here.

  • Wheelchair accessible toilets

    There are wheelchair-accessible toilets at various locations in Beckum. Except for the toilet at the sports field in Vellern, all others can be used either by inserting a coin or with the Euro key. The toilet at the sports field is free of charge and freely accessible.

    Elisabethstraße corner Bummelke at the Werseradweg

    Toilet at the Bummelke

    Central bus station in Beckum

    Toilet at Beckum bus station

    Neubeckum Town Hall

    Toilet at Neubeckum town hall

    Vellern sports field

    Toilet at the Vellern sports field
  • Euro key

    In wheelchair accessible toilets, a matching cylinder for the Euro key is used in Germany and Europe.

    This means that these toilets can be used free of charge with a Eurokey. People with certain disabilities can buy the key. The Eurokey is distributed centrally by the Club Behinderter und ihrer Freunde/CBF-Darmstadt e.V.

    On their homepage you can find out about the requirements and purchase the key together with a directory of the appropriately equipped toilets.