Events: Easy language

  • Data bank including events

    Data bank on inclusive events

    An overview of events is to be created here.

    Everyone must be able to participate in events.
    People with disabilities must also be able to participate.

    All events can be published here.

    I need help for that.
    I need to know who offers what.
    I'll show you here.
    You'll know what you can do.

  • Meeting day

    Meeting day

    People with and without disabilities meet.

    Young and older people meet.

    People from Germany and abroad meet.

    Everyone talks, plays and celebrates together.

    There is singing, dancing and music on stage.

    You can eat and drink at many stalls.

    There are play opportunities.

    Self-help groups, schools or associations can participate.

    The day of the meeting is on 29 June 2024

    From 11 am to 4 pm.

  • Beckum Congress

    Beckum Congress

    The first Beckum Congress took place in 2008.

    At a congress many people come together.
    They talk about one topic.
    All people are allowed to come.

    The congress takes place every 2 years.

    There have been no congresses for a while.
    That was because of Corona.

  • Congress for relatives

    There will be an event in November 2023.
    The event is called Ange-hörigen-kon-ferenz.

    Conference means that many people come together.
    They talk and inform themselves about a topic.

    For example, parents can get information at the conference.
    It is about their rights, for example.
    Or what help they can apply for.

    The Landes-verband für Menschen mit Körper- und Mehrfachbehinderungen NRW e.V. is organising the meeting.