Beckum integration management

With the establishment of an integration management, the city has set itself the task of networking the actors of integration work in Beckum even better with each other, so that the further development of integration work is coordinated and carried out with joint forces.
Initially focussing on four main areas of work
The integration management programme is currently working on four key areas that have been defined by the Integration Network and the Committee for Inclusion, Equality, Social Affairs, Housing and Volunteering of the City of Beckum.
Contact with municipal authorities
New immigrants repeatedly come into contact with authorities, including many municipal contact persons, on their integration journey. The language, but also the sometimes extensive and difficult-to-understand application procedures are an insurmountable hurdle for many. Reliable contact points with interculturally trained staff are needed to help process applications. A working group will look at different models for how this can be organised.
Shaping coexistence
In the past, good experiences have been made with events and activities that have been prepared in cooperation between associations and organisations with refugees and new immigrants. The Festival of Cultures is one example where this has already been successfully practised via the Integration Council. Based on the interests of refugees and new immigrants, a working group will look at whether and which offers exist to fulfil this interest.
Support through sponsorships
Joint activities, regular socialising and diverse contacts can be beneficial for everyone. This is already being practised successfully in the language sponsorships arranged by the Mothers' Centre and through the work of the integration guides. Against the background of this experience, the Integration Network aims to expand the provision of sponsorships, which can help with settling in in various areas.
Language teaching
A pool of people with different language skills who are willing to provide flexible and, if possible, short-term language support would be a great benefit for new immigrants and refugees who are dependent on language mediation in order to find their way in different areas of everyday life. The Integration Network is examining the extent to which a local pool of language mediators represents added value for Beckum and can be established.
In addition, integration management was often asked to better coordinate activities and knowledge in the area of integration. The integration manager's tasks therefore include coordinating and passing on information within the network. She collates information relevant to integration and is happy to pass it on.