Archaeologists take the sceptre

The initial preliminary investigations by the Goldschmidt project office have confirmed the remains of walls and foundations and provide evidence of numerous burials. The archaeological team on site will therefore carry out an in-depth and extensive scientific excavation together with the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe as the monument authority in order to document the finds in detail.

Find bridal portal
This Romanesque stone in the church wall was unearthed.

Historically significant finds
"Historically valuable finds were to be expected during the construction work, especially in this area," said Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich. "The fact that the work is now temporarily suspended is not ideal, but we have always pointed out this possibility. I also think it is expressly good and right how to deal with archaeological monuments of this kind. Such cultural and historical legacies of our ancestors must be meticulously documented and preserved wherever possible. As with the construction work on the historic market square, the Office for the Preservation of Monuments, the construction company and the town of Beckum as the client will once again work well together," continued the head of administration.

Civil engineering leaves the field to archaeology
After the experts on the construction site initially wanted to take turns at the site, the civil engineers are now leaving the field to the archaeologists. "We'll know more in about four weeks," predicted Horst Schenkel, head of the civil engineering department. If the planned construction work allows, the remains of the walls and foundations will remain in the ground after they have been documented. It has not yet been decided what to do with very special finds; finds from the area of the former cemetery will be given to the parish of St Stephanus for reburial.

Further information on the special page on the church square conversion