Eager hands during spring cleaning

Despite street cleaning, rubbish continues to accumulate in green spaces and disfigure the cityscape. It is therefore all the more pleasing when many people take part in litter picking. Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich welcomed the participants in the Beckum district before the campaign at the Alte E-Werk. And then it was off with tongs and bags to the green spaces and roadsides in Beckum, Neubeckum and Roland (Vellern had organised its own event). The tools were provided by the waste management company of the Warendorf district.

Schools, daycare centres and clubs had already been busy collecting rubbish during the week. As a result, around 7 cubic metres of rubbish were collected, which the Beckum municipal company then collected separately. Bottles, carpets, car tyres and discarded shopping trolleys were also found.