Practical politics lessons before the holidays

Here, they were first welcomed by Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich, who spoke about his path to becoming mayor and his goals as a public official. For example, the head of administration has taken on school development planning in the area of education. Challenges here include the planned statutory entitlement to a place in an open all-day school and the school reform from G8 to G9. Another focus is municipal climate and environmental protection. The children missed the opportunity to buy toys in the city centre. Gerdhenrich was able to tell them that a bookshop had recently expanded its range to include toys.

Next stops: Citizens' office and registry office
After a lively exchange with the mayor, the school class learnt from Mareike Berkhoff what can be done at the citizens' office. Among other things, citizens can apply for and collect identity documents there. The registrar then took the children to the registry office's wedding room. To get married, you have to be at least 18 years old, she explained. Couples can get married at several locations, for example in the city museum. However, the registry office is not only responsible for weddings, but also for registering births and bereavements.
This gave the pupils an exciting and informative insight into the work of the administration before they can now enjoy their holidays.