Pool depth too shallow

Lack of understanding from the mayor - diving tower must be closed

Before the pool was opened, a specialist company carried out tests and found that the required pool depth of 3.50 metres had not been reached by 6 centimetres.

Mayor Gerdhenrich is visibly upset. "Who is supposed to understand this? First we had a 5-metre tower, then a 3-metre tower with springboards and, for a few years now, a 3-metre tower with a fixed jump platform. Nothing has ever happened and yet we now have to close the tower for safety reasons. I suggested lowering the jump platform by the missing 6 centimetres, but the regulations don't allow that either. Who do you have to explain that to?"

The mayor considered simply continuing to open the tower, but rejected the idea. Should an accident occur after all, there is the possibility of personal liability, including for the pool team staff. "I cannot and will not expect that of my colleagues," says Mayor Gerdhenrich.

The extent to which structural changes are possible in order to fulfil the DIN standard is now being examined.