Women's walk

40 women walk and talk

After being welcomed to the market square by the two organisers, Renate Grob-Schlömer and the city's integration manager Marei-Liselotte Radke, the group moved to Westpark and on to Pflaumenallee. Children and dogs also took part.

Most of the route was on quiet and green footpaths. Some of the paths were new even to the women from Beckum or they hadn't walked them for a while. Some of the women came without a connection. You could quickly see that they didn't stay alone for long. One woman also reported that she found it difficult to stay in larger groups, but that she was keen to give it a try. Another woman said that she had moved to Beckum during the corona period and that it had been difficult to meet new people during this very restricted time, so she was very happy about the new format.

After about 4 kilometres and a good 80 minutes, the group arrived back at the market square. Some of the women then went for a coffee together, while others treated themselves to an ice cream.

The idea of the women's walk to get women talking to each other has been a success.

The next dates
The next date of the women's walk "Women walk and talk" is on Sunday, 2 June 2024 at 2:30 pm. The meeting point this time will be the Wersemühle.

The other dates have also already been set: 30 June, 28 July, 1 September, 29 September, 27 October, 1 December and 29 December. The tours always start at 14:30, the meeting points vary.