Kulturstrolche project
Third classes experience the spirit of the stone cooler

Actor Tobias Winopall takes the third classes of all Beckum primary schools back to the beginnings of the Beckum cement industry as "the ghost of the stone cooler" Karl Schwarenhorst and teaches them a formative piece of the town's history in a vivid and exciting way.
The spark is quickly ignited, the children hang on his old lips. And after a brief stop at the Pütt fountain, they all hobble up Nordstraße in solidarity to Schwarenhorst's likeness, the bronze figure with the handle man, before disappearing into Engelsgasse together with the two teachers.
Over 370 children experience this special history lesson in the first half of May. The project as part of the Kulturstrolche programme is supported by the Bruderschaft der Beckumer Bauknechte. Tobias Winopall and Kati Peterleweling devised the play "Der Geist des Steinkühlers".