Municipal cemeteries

Graves are checked

The Elisabethstraße and Parkfriedhof cemeteries in Beckum are places of farewell and remembrance, of remembrance, peace and contemplation. The beautifully designed gravesites also contribute to this, which together with the trees and paths create a characteristic overall picture of the two cemeteries. According to the cemetery statutes, the gravesites must be kept in proper condition by those entitled to use them, especially with regard to their effect on neighbouring graves.

Unfortunately, there are always some unkempt graves that disturb the neighbouring graves and the overall impression. The authorised users of these graves are asked to maintain them properly. After Whitsun, the cemetery staff at both cemeteries will check the condition of the graves.

For further information, please contact Marita Denkert and Silke Flüchter from the Environment and Greenery Department on 02521 29-6722 or -6723 or by e-mail at