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There's music in it: "record box" at Nordwall

Astrid and Holger Hoppe had already been successfully running their record shop within their own four walls for 8 years. Space was beginning to run out, so the idea of renting a shop was born. At Plattenkiste, used but perfectly good records find new owners. The Plattenkiste also buys used records for resale. At the opening, Gerdhenrich and Grothues learnt how valuable individual records can be. Customers can find almost all genres of music in the shop. With a selection of around 10,000 records, there is always something to browse through.
As part of the opening, the shop owners demonstrated how elaborately plates are washed and smoothed. Regular customers from near and far also used the opening day to take a look at the new premises and possibly get their hands on an unusual piece.
On the 800th anniversary weekend of the town of Beckum, singer Nicholas Müller from the band Jupiter Jones also found his way into the record box and then shared his enthusiasm directly with the audience.
"We are very pleased that the Plattenkiste has found such an exciting use after standing empty for so long. Thanks also go to the owner family, who directly supported the concept," explained Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich on the fringes of the opening.
Right next door is BE-lebt, the first project from the rental development fund, which took on a life of its own after the funding came to an end. "If that's not a good sign," commented Grothues with a view to the neighbourhood.
The Plattenkiste is currently open on Wednesdays from 10 am to 1 pm and from 4 pm to 7 pm, Fridays from 1 pm to 7 pm and Saturdays from 10 am to 6 pm. The Plattenkiste also offers the opportunity to get in touch via Facebook, Instagram and WhatsApp.
Funding programme
Following the expiry of the "Immediate action programme to strengthen city centres and town centres", the state of North Rhine-Westphalia once again approved funding for the "Rental Disposal Fund" for 2024 as part of the "Sustainable city centres and town centres in North Rhine-Westphalia" funding programme. The aim of the programme is to give cities and municipalities the opportunity to establish new uses in vacant shops or shops that are specifically threatened by vacancy in the central locations of city centres and town centres.
The city of Beckum subsidises the rental of vacant shops and rooms for a wide variety of uses so that they can be rented out to interested parties at particularly favourable conditions. However, the model only works if the owner also waives part of the basic rent for the subsidised period. The city of Beckum has had very good experience with this so far.
Do you have a business idea?
City centre manager Helga Grothues is happy to hear about other interesting concepts in Beckum's city centre. Interested founders or property owners in Beckum city centre should contact Helga Grothues from Beckum city centre management: 02521 29-1705, grothues@beckum.de.