Fibre optic expansion by Telekom becomes more concrete

The city of Beckum's search for a company to drive forward the fibre optic expansion in Beckum on its own account is now formally over. "Many people have been waiting for this. I am delighted that the project has now been finalised with the letter of intent," said Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich on the sidelines of the signing ceremony. The joint letter of intent with Deutsche Telekom GmbH was approved in the main, finance and digital committee on 13 December.

What is planned?
Deutsche Telekom is planning a fibre optic connection for around 19,000 households in all core areas of Beckum. The expansion is scheduled to start in the fourth quarter of 2023 in Beckum-Nordwest with Roland. Neubeckum, Beckum-Nordost with Vellern, Beckum-Südost and Beckum-Südwest are to be successively supplied with fibre optics, probably by the end of 2025. "We are not bundling demand," emphasised Jan Pohl from Deutsche Telekom. The company is not making the expansion of fibre optics dependent on achieving a quota.

Pre-marketing from spring 2023
Initially, the long lines will be built along the houses. Anyone who expresses an interest by the end of 2023 will receive the home connection free of charge, regardless of which tariff they choose later. Competitors such as 1&1, O2 and Vodafone are also in the running and are offering their products on the Deutsche Telekom network. Pre-marketing is scheduled to begin in the second quarter of 2023. It is already possible to pre-register in the T-Shop. "Owners are well advised to have their home connection installed, even if they don't currently need it, as this will ultimately add value to their property," Pohl continues.

Civil engineering work on 180 kilometres
According to Deutsche Telekom, Beckum is the first municipality in the Warendorf district in which the company is pushing ahead with fibre optic expansion in this way. Civil engineering work is required on around 180 kilometres. The company anticipates a further 25 kilometres for the house connections.

Comprehensive fibre optic network
Outside the core areas, in the outlying areas and in the rural districts, fibre optic expansion is already being carried out by Deutsche Glasfaser Wholesale GmbH through the state funding programme "Weiße Flecken". Deutsche Telekom's own expansion and the subsidised fibre-optic construction will develop into a comprehensive fibre-optic network in Beckum.