New Year's reception in honour of the hospice group

Every year, the invitation list for the town's New Year's reception includes a different voluntary group that has rendered outstanding services to the people of Beckum. This year, it was the members of the Beckum hospice group as part of the hospice movement in the Warendorf district.

Entire personality required
In his speech, Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich emphasised the special features of hospice work: "Hospice work is a challenging voluntary position. It demands your whole personality, a high degree of sensitivity and empathy as well as good preparation and training. After all, you dedicate your valuable time to people who don't have much time left and who are facing death."

From accompanying people to the hairdresser to sitting vigils in the dying phase
He described the various activities, from accompanying people to the hairdresser or to church to accompanying them in the dying phase, the open ear and attention for people's needs and worries, the support for relatives. "Their work demonstrates the highest degree of dedication and love for people." He thanked the members of the hospice group - also on behalf of the council and administration - for their extraordinary commitment. The mayor also emphasised that the work does not end in the hospital rooms. The group also organises a lot of things, such as readings, trips, training, stands and educational work.

Joint cabaret evening
The hospice group is also organising a cabaret evening together with the town of Beckum: on 24 March, the cabaret duo BlöZinger will be showing their programme "Bis morgen" as part of "Beckumer Spitzen" in the town theatre. Here too, according to the head of administration, as at the bedside, it is not all deadly serious, as the quote from Marcus Aurelius in the programme announcement proves: "Death smiles at us all. The only thing you can do is smile back."

Knut Neuschäfer reports on hospice work
Knut Neuschäfer spoke on behalf of the hospice group and referred with a wink to the three virtues of good hospice work. It is good to be stupid and lazy, but interested, he said, explaining that the helpers have no advantage in terms of knowledge, do not take anything away from their protégés, but always have an open ear.

Exchange with politicians and administration
Representatives from the council and administration also came to the Alte E-Werk to exchange ideas with the guests of honour over a snack and drinks. Afterwards, everyone attended the New Year's concert in Beckum's municipal theatre, which was presented in a new format this year with the Festival:Philharmonie Westfalen.

Photo gallery of the 2023 New Year's reception