Foster parents have undergone further training

The half-day training in the conference room of the Neubeckum town hall was almost fully booked with 19 participants from the entire Warendorf district. Heike Denner and Inga Meys from the foster child service of the city of Beckum welcomed trauma educator Nele Peek from the Bremen Institute for Trauma Education as a speaker. The expert consultant showed in a very well-founded and comprehensible way which behavioural problems can occur in children and adolescents due to traumatisation and attachment disorders and how foster parents can deal with this behaviour without losing sight of themselves.

The main task of trauma education is to stabilise those affected and to promote their self-control and self-efficacy. In addition, it provides professionals as well as (foster) parents with competence, the ability to act and relief in dealing with affected children.

The cities of Ahlen, Beckum and Oelde as well as the independent organisations Innosozial gGmbH, SKF Kreis Warendorf e.V. and the Deutscher Kinderschutzbund KV Warendorf e.V. jointly offer a multifaceted training series for foster parents throughout the year. This was the second event in this year's series.