Great atmosphere and cracking verses

After a three-year break, the Närrischer Ratssitzung was finally back in full swing. In the auditorium of the Antonius School, the speakers from the different political groups took to the stage, talking about each other. Everyone got their comeuppance and also took the mickey out of themselves. They swayed and sang together in a conciliatory manner.

When Prince Ralf II (Gailus), his court marshal Frank Beßmann, the presidents of the umbrella organisation, the tomcat, the Elferrat from the Old Blue Quarter and the Prinzengarde had taken their seats to the applause of the guests, Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich welcomed the illustrious group. He praised the city prince and his entourage for doing a fantastic job and then took on the role of ringmaster for the council's "jugglers, sleight-of-hand artists and jugglers". "And that's why I'd like to focus on something else today, quite ex officio ... On my biggest critics, the politicians." He then lashed out in all directions, looking beyond Beckum's own nose and not taking himself too seriously: "Because unlike Mr Merz, we in Beckum know how to have a good joke. So let's just orientate ourselves to my waistline; it's so low, I'm telling you: jokes are possible there, he goes white as a sheet, Friedrich," he fabulated. He paid tribute to the outgoing editor-in-chief of the Glocke, Stefan Clauser, with the words: "He travelled in the name of the independent press, which was not always comfortable, not at all. But he was always passionate about his job and is now going into a well-deserved retirement."

Full speech to read

Robin Hood, alias Felix Markmeier-Agnesens, took to the stage for the SPD and modestly set the bar not too high for his first carnival speech: "The main thing is that it rhymes". But what came next was certainly worth listening to. "At the sight of the Westteich, even the ducks turn pale," he rhymed and found that everything used to be better. "Cleaner" Andreas Kühnel scrubbed the market square all night and immediately made a request: from now on, the square may only be entered with socks. Timo Przybylak rhymingly announced Elisabeth Rudeck's dance group "Here we go", who put on a great show to a carnival medley. Showmaster Wolfgang Krogmeier ordered the FDP parliamentary party leader to dance along for the encore. Equipped with the circus director's red tailcoat, Przybylak didn't take long to ask and emulated the young women. Gregor Stöppel had some BE political piffle in his luggage and invited people to the municipal information stand. Karin the cat, Burtzlaff and Peter Dennin as the green enlightenment took it in turns to present the findings of a little green cat. He is already looking forward to a PV-roofed city centre, which he can view from above while balancing, right of way for cyclists and a 30 km/h speed limit everywhere.