Online presence of city centre companies

Great interest in City Monitor

How visible are local companies on the internet? After the welcome address by Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich, Christian Paasche from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce summarised the online activities of trade, services, gastronomy and crafts in a city monitor. According to this, 66 per cent of businesses in the two centres of Beckum and Neubeckum have their own homepage. Almost two thirds also have a social media channel. However, as only a good third of all companies post regularly, the expert still sees a lot of potential here.

Tharson Thurai (Digitalcoach NRW), Helga Grothues (City Centre Management), Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich, Christan Paasche (IHK Nord Westfalen), Holger Rohe (Business Academy Ruhr), Uwe Denkert (Urban Development Department)
From left to right: Tharson Thurai (Digitalcoach NRW), Helga Grothues (City Centre Management), Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich, Christan Paasche (IHK Nord Westfalen), Holger Rohe (Business Academy Ruhr), Uwe Denkert (Urban Development Department)

Manage your Google profile
Which social media networks are the right ones and how can you increase your reach? Holger Rohde, businessman and head of the Business Academy Ruhr GmbH, gave practical tips for successful and efficient digital marketing activities. The vast majority of users orientate themselves on Google entries. Those who maintain their company profile there themselves are well advised. Because you can't win customers with outdated or incorrect data, said the Managing Director of the Business Academy Ruhr.

Holger Rohde provides information on the city's homepage
Holger Rohde sheds light on the city's homepage.

Digitalcoaches NRW
One of the Digitalcoaches NRW, Tharson Thurai, provided tips on how all of this can be put into practice. How can I be found on Google, how can I optimise my website, what is the right merchandise management system for me? The digital coach works with companies to find the right answers to all of these questions.

This service is free of charge, as the digital coaches of the North Rhine-Westphalia Retail Association are subsidised by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia. Further information can be found at or via Helga Grothues from the city centre management of the city of Beckum.

City Monitor
Interested parties can view the Beckum City Monitor on the website of the IHK Nord Westfalen: