Council sticker
Budget 2024 under wraps
After Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich and City Treasurer Thomas Wulf presented their draft budget to the council shortly before Christmas, it was the turn of the parliamentary groups. At the council meeting on 7 March, the group chairmen assessed the general situation in their budget speeches and commented on the more than 1,000 pages of figures:
Fictitious balanced budget
The 2024 profit plan shows income of around 122.9 million euros. This is offset by expenses of around 127.6 million euros.
The bottom line - despite tax increases - is an annual deficit of around 4.7 million euros. The budget can be notionally balanced thanks to the equalisation reserve.
Investment loans totalling a good 7 million euros are required for 2024.

Tax increases necessary
In order to be able to make urgently needed investments and absorb higher expenditure - for example due to pay rises - municipal taxes will have to be increased for the first time in 13 years. The assessment rate for property tax A will be increased by 44 points to 279 points, while the assessment rate for property tax B will rise by 84 points to 519 points. Trade tax will be increased by 10 points to 435 points. At the meeting of the main, finance and digital committee on 27 February, this change to the tax rates compared to the draft budget for 2024 was recommended for resolution.
The SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FWG then voted in favour of the modified draft at the council meeting, while the CDU and FDP voted against.
The budget is now sent to the district of Warendorf for review.