Exhibition opening on 24 January
Achim Zeman creates spatial illusions
The exhibition "Achim Zeman: Raumillusionen - Illusionsräume" can be experienced at the Beckum City Museum from 24 January to 27 April. With his almost obsessive interest in space and movement, he creates dynamic spatial experiences. And so he creates new, ephemeral works that enter into dialogue with the existing spaces. In doing so, the Cologne-based artist deliberately irritates his audience and throws us back on ourselves. "I want viewers to perceive everyday life and the world differently," says Zemann. He created his artwork "Space Folding" especially for the Stadtmuseum. He meticulously planned the lines, which sometimes extend inwards and sometimes outwards, in his studio before applying them to the wall with film.

But it's not just expansive lines that can be seen. Honeycomb-like structures, cloudy-looking drawings or straight lines on polished, multi-layered acrylic glass also invite the public to move back and forth in front of the works in order to fully grasp their effect. A spatial impression is often created, literally immersing the viewer in other worlds.
In Zemann's work, the glass pane also leaves its pure function behind and becomes art itself. The Stuttgart-born artist also creates swirls with his work "Swirl", in which red rectangles form a vortex and their cast shadows create a deliberately planned, additional spatial depth.

As no two exhibitions are the same for Achim Zemann, it always remains exciting for him. And if the spatial illusions, which were previously calculated with mathematical precision, do not look perfect on site, they are simply changed.
In addition to his paintings, impressions of earlier spatial illusions can also be seen in the exhibition. It will be opened on 24 January at 6:30 pm as part of the museum association's New Year's reception. All interested parties are cordially invited to attend.
Achim Zeman: Spatial illusions - illusionary spaces. 24 January to 27 April during opening hours at the Stadtmuseum, Markt 1. Admission is free.