Girls' Day and Boys' Day on 3 April
Explore professions without clichés
The boys and girls should choose a profession that matches their inclinations and talents without stereotypes. At Girls' and Boys' Day, they can gain initial experience for their future career choices. "It is particularly important here to broaden the view and not to think and dwell in 'classic pigeonholes'," says Monika Björklund, Equal Opportunities Officer for the town of Beckum.
Companies and organisations can now enter their offers on and Girls and boys can choose from these entries and apply directly.
"I would be delighted if many companies would once again take part in order to present the wide range of professions and training opportunities," says the Equal Opportunities Officer.
Get a taste of the fire brigade?
The town of Beckum is also taking part again. The first places have already been allocated at the citizens' office, the fire brigade and the press office. More girls can register directly for the fire brigade at Interested boys can apply with their name, school, class and name of the class teacher at The following applies to the 3 reserved places for boys: The fastest 3 can get a place.
More information can be found at and