"Sustainable inner cities and town centres in NRW" funding programme

"Wäscheline" on the Nordstraße

How this came about is a special story: in addition to the town of Beckum, the former owner of the "Hautnah Schwiese" shop on Weststraße also made intensive efforts to relocate. When he decided to close his business for reasons of age, contact was made with the Rink family.

In addition to the Ringella clothing factory in Hildesheim, Managing Director Vincent Rink runs retail shops at several locations. Interest in a shop in Beckum was quickly aroused there. The next step was to find the right space. The right location was finally found in the premises of the former fashion shop "Die 2".

As the owner thankfully agreed to waive part of the basic rent, it was possible to support the relocation with the "Sustainable inner cities and town centres in NRW" funding programme. This means that the shop owner pays a greatly reduced rent for a period of up to 2 years.

"I am delighted that the opening of 'Wäscheline' has successfully revitalised another vacant space in our city centre. This attractive offer is an asset for the people of Beckum and shows once again that our commitment to revitalising the city centre is paying off," says Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich, who paid a visit to the shop on the day of the reopening.

Laundry line manager Rink is pleased to be taking over the former employees of "hautnah Schwiese", whose expert advice is already appreciated by customers in Beckum. The team is there for customers from Monday to Friday from 10 am to 6 pm and on Saturdays from 10 am to 2 pm.

If you have a creative business idea yourself, contact Helga Grothues from the city centre management of the city of Beckum to benefit from the funding programme in the best case scenario. She can be contacted on 02521 29-1705 or grothues@beckum.de.

She reveals: "There are more projects in the pipeline that will hopefully be realised in the near future. It remains exciting."

City centre management of the city of Beckum