Support the LGBTIQ* community now

Beckum shows "RESPECT!"

The aim is to promote a social climate of respect and diversity, to counter discrimination in all its forms and to strengthen the visibility and acceptance of the LGBTIQ* community in rural areas.

Sticker at the entrance to the town hall
The RESPECT! sticker is now also displayed in the entrance area of Beckum town hall.

The "RESPECT!" campaign of the blick* regional office is aimed at all public places such as educational institutions, advice centres, healthcare facilities, administrations, shops, restaurants, libraries, cultural venues, sports clubs and other organisations. The participating organisations receive the "RESPECT" sticker for doors and windows and form a network of places that are respectful and queer-friendly. The accompanying materials are intended to sensitise and inform employees and visitors. Key terms are explained and there is also a list of counselling and support services.

Join in now!
If you would like to be part of the "RESPECT!" campaign in Beckum, please contact the vielfälTIQ* project of SKF e. V. in the district of Warendorf or the equal opportunities officer of the town of Beckum:, 02521 29-1600.

LGBTIQ* stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans*, inter* and queer. The asterisk* is used as a placeholder for other gender and sexual identities.