13 sheep fall victim to dog bites

Since April 2022, the young woman's animal protégés have been supporting the town of Beckum in the natural green maintenance of Beckum's meadows.

12 sheep died in agony
But now the shepherdess was alerted by walkers. On a temporary grazing area in Steinbruch West, her sheep were attacked by one or more dogs on two consecutive days to such an extent that she found 12 sheep dead.

Keep dogs on a lead
Dogs must be kept on a lead in Steinbruch West. The shepherdess from Anröchte and the City of Beckum's Environment and Greenery Department are also urgently appealing to dog owners to keep their four-legged friends on a lead in the vicinity of all their temporary sheep grazing areas.

Who would like to help?
We are also looking for volunteers who would like to support the shepherdess in her ecologically valuable work. Anyone interested should contact landschaftspflegediemel@gmx.de directly .