Music school and VHS concert

Impressive talents at the Tonverwandtschaften

Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich sets the mood for the concert
Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich has taken on the patronage of this special concert.

The cultural diversity of the town of Beckum became audible at the "Tonverwandtschaften" concert in the auditorium of the Antoniusschule. "Pieces of music and people from all over the world, whose roots reach to many parts of the globe, from C for China to V for Vietnam," said Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich, who had taken on the patronage, delighted the audience with their talent and enthusiasm for music.

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The artists with Dr Jürgen Rauter (left) and Holger Blüder (right).

"Whether on the piano, cello or violin, whether major or minor, whether film music, Turkish march, polonaise or sonata, whether Chopin, Tiersen, Mozart or Ravel: tonight's musicians will delight us with diverse interpretations of musical world literature," said Gerdhenrich as he welcomed the audience to the concert. His prediction was to be fully realised in the course of the evening.

The event was a cooperation between the School of Music in the district of Warendorf and the Beckum-Wadersloh Adult Education Centre and was initiated by Holger Blüder and Dr Jürgen Rauter.