Budget to be introduced later

Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich and City Treasurer Thomas Wulf explain their decision as follows: "In our difficult budget situation, it is important for all parties involved, and especially for the councillors, to know as far as possible all the framework conditions in order to be able to make responsible decisions."

The state government had recognised in its perception in recent weeks that municipal budgets nationwide were under immense pressure - especially against the backdrop of declining tax revenues and at the same time sharply rising personnel costs due to the collective agreement for the public service.

According to a survey by the Association of Towns and Municipalities of North Rhine-Westphalia, at least 40 percent of all municipalities in NRW feared that they would have to draw up a budget protection plan next year. Now, at the state level, it was being examined how the municipalities could be helped. "We need to know how exactly the state wants to and can help us," Gerdhenrich and Wulf continue, "so that we can present the council with a reliable draft of the 2024 budget, which it can then seriously discuss. That is not possible at this point in time.

New burdens, such as lower-than-expected key allocations or further increases in the costs of day care for children, made the preparation even more difficult. The adoption of the 2024 budget is now scheduled for March next year.