Apply for funding

Embellish properties

Those who are currently considering beautifying their own property may be able to receive funding from the Courtyard and Facade Programme of the State of NRW.

Funding is available for measures to improve façades, unsealing, greening and much more. The basic requirement is that the property is located in the city centre of Beckum. Interested parties can find a detailed plan at this address:

Holtmann, what it used to look like
This is what the shop looked like before.

Listed properties may also be eligible for funding; a separate assessment is carried out in this case.

Programme expires at the end of the year

As the programme expires at the end of the year and only remaining funds are available, interested parties should not hesitate for long. Your contact person is Helga Grothues from the city centre management of the city of Beckum: 02521 29-1705,

Subsidies for Neubeckum

Funding is also still available for the Hauptstraße area in Neubeckum. A plan of the area in which the property must be located can be viewed at the following address: You can contact Serena Große-Kreul and Annika Siebert from Neubeckum town centre management here: 02525 9398973,