
No garden waste in green spaces

Time and again, observant passers-by find piles of green waste in public green spaces that have obviously come from private gardens. Many garden owners apparently think that it is okay to dispose of garden waste in the woods, in a ditch or in a green space near their garden. It is also widely believed that this does not cause any damage as the green waste will decompose sooner or later.

"This is a mistake!" points out the City of Beckum's Environment and Greenery Department. "The illegal disposal of garden waste in the countryside has a number of negative effects on the environment, ecosystems and society as a whole," they say. The specialised service provides the following information:

Environmental pollution: Garden waste deposited in nature can lead to significant pollution. It can contaminate soil and water, affecting the habitats of plants and animals and causing long-term environmental damage.

Spread of diseases and pests: Garden waste can harbour diseases and pests that can spread in nature. This can jeopardise the local flora and fauna and cause ecological imbalances.

Damage to biodiversity: Native plant species are displaced and invasive species are favoured. This can lead to a loss of biodiversity and disrupt the ecological balance. Nutrient-loving plants such as stinging nettles spread rapidly due to the undesirable, excessive input of fertiliser. Mould and fermentation processes occur due to compaction, animal burrows are filled in. Microorganisms and microbes are no longer able to convert additional biomass into humus. The natural cycle is interrupted.

Aesthetic impairment: The natural beauty of the landscape is impaired as well as the recreational experience in nature.

Legal consequences: The disposal of garden waste in public spaces is illegal and can be penalised with substantial fines. In addition, the additional maintenance costs must be borne by the general public.

Loss of natural resources: Garden waste is a valuable resource that could be used for composting and recycling.

How to do it right:
To protect the environment and maintain the quality of life for humans and animals, it is important to dispose of garden waste properly. This can be done by composting it correctly in your own garden or using the organic waste bin. Waste bins can be ordered at any time from the City of Beckum's Environment and Greenery Department, 02521 29-6711, -12. In addition, waste can of course also be taken to the Beckum recycling centre (Auf dem Tigge 34).