Helping neighbours

Many people in need of care receive everyday support from home helps, acquaintances or carers from the neighbourhood. The Regional Office for Ageing, Care and Dementia Münsterland, the city of Beckum and BE-lebt are offering neighbourhood helpers a two-day course on 17 and 18 November at Alter E-Werk, Sternstraße 24. The course will cover topics such as dealing with impairments, practical measures and communication with the person in need of care.

Work as a neighbourhood helper can be reimbursed by the care insurance funds in the form of expense allowances. This is subject to certain conditions: the helpers must not be related to the person in need of care and must not live with them in the same household. They must also have at least care level 1. From 2024, proof of such a course or a comparable qualification must be provided for billing with the care insurance fund.

The course is free of charge. To register, please contact Karina Benjilany, Social Services Department of the City of Beckum on 02521 29-5014, The flyer is available in the citizens' offices of the town of Beckum.

Flyer with all information

Course for neighbourhood help:

When?17 and 18 November
Where?Altes E-Werk, Sternstraße 24