Space management

New exercise area for dogs

Dogs in the fenced exercise area
Hada and Nacho clearly enjoyed running freely.

The area near the Phoenix activity park and the gravelled car park measures 2,100 square metres and is fenced in with a high bar fence. The final construction work was completed last week, meaning that in addition to the many hiking trails and private dog parks, there is now an additional area for dogs to run around.

Explanatory sign with the rules
The rules are posted at the entrance gate.

Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich brought his boxer Nacho to the opening, who immediately romped around. "The desire for such a meadow was expressed to us many times. We then looked at where and how it could be done. Now we have a great offer for dog owners and their pets," explained the head of administration in the presence of several council and committee members.

The grounds of the town of Beckum have been mulched and grass has been sown. A visitor bench with a rubbish bin, a bag dispenser and an information board have been installed. The new dog exercise area at this location was approved at the meeting of the main, finance and digital committee in November 2022. The expected costs amount to around 17,000 euros.

In principle, dogs must be kept on a lead in traffic areas and within built-up neighbourhoods. However, exceptions are permitted under certain conditions.