Redesign of the west pond in full swing

Now those responsible have inspected the progress of the work and are satisfied: "After just one week, the western pond looks completely different," says Deborah Trela from the City of Beckum's Environment and Greenery Department. "The pond bed and the edges have been cleared and there is virtually nothing left of the old liner and the stones on the banks."

What exactly is planned?

Firstly, one of the most important tasks on the west pond is to remove the damaged pond liner. This work step has already been completed. This is followed by the modelling of the bank areas and the extensive preparation of the pond bed for the subsequent installation of a new hard-wearing plastic liner.

The banks reinforced with stones and concrete will be demolished and replaced with flatter banks. On the western bank, stones will be piled up along the edge of the wall to create a shallow transition into the water. The fence, which previously served as fall protection, can thus be removed. The new banks will be planted with numerous pond plants that fulfil important ecological functions: Their filtering effect enriches the water with oxygen and prevents the formation of algae. The plants also provide shelter for various animal species.

The neighbouring green spaces will be made more open. The shallow water area in the south-east corner will be replaced by a lawn area that opens up the view of the pond. Space will also be created for new seating.

Old condition West Pond
The damaged pond liner must be removed.

One particular highlight is a small footbridge that is planned opposite the playground on the west pond. The foundations for this will soon be anchored in the pond.

Connection of Werse and Westteich not possible

Overall, the shape of the pond remains virtually unchanged. A canal runs along the edge of the pond, as well as power and telephone lines, which prevent the western pond from being enlarged. Including the Werse and merging it with the Westteich is not possible under water law. The Westteich is an artificially created body of still water - the Werse is a natural watercourse. A connection of these two is not permitted under the Water Resources Act.

All major measures on the west pond should be completed by December, followed by further planting work.