New exhibition series
Ulrike Amsbeck shows 15 of her works at Freizeithaus Neubeckum
The previously bare white walls of the room, which was renovated a few years ago, are now a thing of the past. The meeting room is now also an exhibition space. The Neubeckum artist Ulrike Amsbeck will kick off the new exhibition series.
Her artistic work is inspired by nature with its wealth of shapes and colours, her own experiences and memories. "I would like to invite visitors to travel back in time, into the past and into the future. In the present, they should first allow things to have an effect on them so that mental freedom can arise. You shouldn't immediately pigeonhole everything," explains the artist at the opening. Titles such as "Weightless" or "Light" show how much her emotions flow into her work.
Ulrike Amsbeck is showing 15 paintings of different sizes in acrylic technique on canvas in the Neubeckum leisure centre. The artist is a member of the Beckum-Warendorf District Art Association. The exhibition is free of charge and accessible during opening hours.
Freizeithaus Neubeckum is thus expanding the participatory use of the premises on Gottfried-Polysius-Straße and now also invites visitors to view art. In this way, the lively district centre will also become a place for inner encounters and a quasi-museum. And, of course, the walls in the meeting room will also be embellished.
If you are interested in exhibiting here yourself, please contact the Freizeithaus team.