Traffic is diverted

Sewer and road construction work starts on Zementstraße

The public combined sewerage system between Oelder Straße and Wilhelmsstraße is being renewed for structural and hydraulic reasons. In the section between Oelder Straße and Windmühlenstraße, the asphalt surface courses are being renovated over a length of around 410 metres and an area of around 3,000 square metres.

This is necessary because the heavily travelled cement road in this section has surface damage and has formed ruts. The surfaces of the footpaths and cycle paths will not be renewed.

The work is expected to last until March 2025. The affected area will be closed to through traffic from 15 July, but access for emergency vehicles and people with concerns will be guaranteed. Local public transport will be diverted via Wilhelmstraße, Nordring and Windmühlenstraße, while long-distance traffic will be diverted via Oelder Straße and Bundesstraße 58. The diversions will be signposted.