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Annual financial statements 2023, VHS fees, Sundays open for business and more

The budget economy was overshadowed by many crises in 2023. For example, the share of income tax did not return to the level forecast before the coronavirus pandemic. Hoped-for catch-up effects have probably also failed to materialise due to the Russian war of aggression against Ukraine and the associated consequences - such as higher heating costs.

As things stand at present, the 2023 financial year will close with a result of 1.5 million euros, while a minus of 3.2 million euros was originally forecast. "Although the annual result has improved compared to the budget, it cannot be described as good," said Wulf in his presentation.

For the first time in years, the income statement shows a loss from current administrative activities of -0.6 million euros. In the final result, income only exceeds expenses due to the capitalisation of losses caused by the coronavirus pandemic and the war against Ukraine.

The stronger growth in expenses compared to income is due to factors such as inflation and increased transfer expenses in youth welfare. In contrast to the previous year, improvements compared to expectations - particularly in trade tax - did not lead to a "real" positive result.

The positive result could only be compensated for by capitalising the so-called corona damage, an accounting procedure that will be discontinued in the 2024 financial year. "This prevents future generations from being burdened, but worsens the chances of balancing the budget," says the treasurer.

Green light for Sunday shopping in October

In the further course of the meeting, the regulatory ordinance on Sunday shopping as part of the "Ab in die Mitte - Stadtgestalten" event was unanimously approved. The council has thus paved the way for city centre shops to open on Sundays every second Sunday in October until 2027.

Higher fees for lecturers at the VHS

The Council also voted unanimously in favour of changing the fee structure of the Beckum-Wadersloh Adult Education Centre. The fees for course instructors will be increased by 2 euros to 22 euros per teaching unit. The last increase was in 2017 from 18 to 20 euros. In this way, it will remain attractive for qualified lecturers to run courses at the VHS. This puts the VHS on a par with others in the neighbourhood.

Treasure Island day care centre

The majority of the council followed the administrative proposal regarding the request for support from the parents' council of the Schatzinsel daycare centre. This provides for no retroactive adjustment of parental contributions and that there should also be no equalisation payments.

"The administration is aware that the issue surrounding the mould infestation and the closure of the Schatzinsel daycare centre is emotionally charged and that a refund of parental contributions could help to pacify the parents. However, the administration is required to deal objectively with the demands of the parents' council and to review them for their legal admissibility and feasibility," reads the submission.

At the same time, all political groups made it clear that an amendment to the articles of association should be developed for the future as part of a workshop.

All documents, annexes and the minutes of this Council meeting can be found in the

Council information system