Beckum scout tribe presents flame
Peace light in the town hall
The cub scouts Anika Trampe, Joschua Borghoff, Mats Illigens, Marleen Hora and Sophie Desnave, together with group leader Sophie Aufderheide, group leader Benedikt Nagler and Jürgen Wessel, presented a candle lit by the peace light to Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich.
The motto of this year's campaign is "In search of peace". It is a reminder of how important it is to work for peace and solidarity in the world. In 1986, the Light of Peace was carried from Bethlehem to the countries for the first time. The Beckum scout tribe has been taking part in this campaign for over 20 years.
This year, cub scout Sophie Aufderheide successfully applied to bring the Peace Light to the Bundestag. She also handed it over to Cem Özdemir, Federal Minister of Food and Agriculture, among others.