Leisure House Neubeckum
Clear the way: bowling alley shines in new splendour
This was fittingly celebrated with a skittles match in which the children's mayor of the leisure centre Juli Pröpper, together with regular visitors of an older age, competed against a team of children supported by Thomas Wulf (representing Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich). The latter emerged as the beaming winners.

"Wow effect"
Thomas Wulf thanked everyone involved for the successful renovation of the bowling alley. The room gave him a real "wow effect" when he entered. After the general overhaul, not much remained of the old state apart from the bowling technology: the room was given a new seal and the 2 lanes were completely renewed by a company specialising in this. Real craftsmanship was required here, with a great deal of effort for the substructure on the uneven existing screed. Walls, ceilings and flooring were refurbished and the lighting and furnishings were renewed. Panels on the walls and ceiling now ensure pleasant, significantly improved acoustics when bowling together. The 70s look has given way to a modern and bright ambience. The new room thus matches the colour scheme of the building.

"Clear the way"
With this fun game on Monday afternoons, it's now "clear the way" for bowlers from Neubeckum and the other districts. Schools and registered clubs are particularly welcome here. "We've already had 21 enquiries. The renovation of the bowling alley is a real asset for us," says a delighted Uwe Mischke from the Neubeckum leisure centre.

Redesign of the leisure centre
With the renovation of the bowling alley, the redesign of the new, modern leisure centre and the redesign of the city library, which are planned for the coming year, will also get underway. The bowling alley will also be accessible via a lift in the future.