Emergency and quick help: Easy language

Emergency call

Emergency call button

I have an emergency.

Then these telephone numbers are important:

  • 112 for the emergency services and fire brigade
  • 110 for the police

The Nora app also helps me.

Nora is an abbreviation.

The abbreviation stands for: Emergency call app.

The emergency call app works throughout Germany.

I can save important data about myself in the app.

The app also works without speaking.

This is the website:




The police station in Beckum is located at Kettelerstraße 8.

The police station is part of the district police authority

from Warendorf.

This is the telephone number: 0 25 21 91 10.

The e-mail address is: pwbeckum.warendorf@polizei.nrw.de


There are 4 district police stations.

Olaf Linnweber is responsible for the northern city area and the Roland part of the city.

This is the telephone number: 0 25 21 91 18 25.


Responsible for the southern city area of Beckum is: Alexandra de Groot.

This is the telephone number: 0 25 21 91 18 27.


Responsible for the city part Neubeckum is:

Carsten Bolte.

The district service centre is located at Hauptstraße 52.

This is the telephone number: 0 25 25 95 18 91.

The police district office in Neubeckum is open:

  • Tuesday from 17:00 to 19:00
  • Friday from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm
  • And every 1st Saturday of the month from 10:00 to 12:00.

Responsible for the Vellern part of the city are:

Dirk Axmann and Jürgen Rühl.

This is the address of the district service centre: Liesborner Straße 5 in 59329 Wadersloh.

This is the telephone number: 0 25 23 94 92 03.


Violence against women helpline

This is the telephone number: 11 60 16.

My partner is violent.

Or someone else.

Then I can always call here.

I can do that during the day and at night.

The counsellors speak 17 languages.

And they speak sign language and plain language.

I can find information on the website: www.hilfetelefon.de/das-hilfetelefon/beratung/leichte-sprache.html

Or via the QR code.


Number against sorrow

The "Nummer gegen Kummer" is a telephone counselling service provided by the German Child Protection Association.

Parents and children with concerns can call.

Parents call the telephone number:

08 00 11 10 55 0.

Children and young people can call

Telephone number: 11 61 11.

This is the website: www.nummergegenkummer.de/kinder-und-jugendberatung.

Or via the QR code.

Helpline for pregnant women in need

This is the telephone number: 08 00 40 40 02 0.

I'm pregnant and don't know what to do. Then I can call.

My call is anonymous and secure.

The word anonymous means:

I don't have to say my name.

And not even where I live.

The counsellors speak many languages.

Also sign language and easy language.

This is the website: www.schwanger-und-fragen.de/leichte-sprache.html

Or via the QR code.