Women on a bridge on the beach

Women: Easy language

This is about women.
There is a lot of information.
It says where to get help.

  • Women's Counselling Centre

    Women's Counselling Centre Beckum

    The counselling centre helps in many situations.

    Information in plain language is available on the website.

  • Child sexual abuse

    Child sexual abuse

    Every person has limits.
    These must be respected.

    People also have boundaries when it comes to sex.

    These boundaries must not be violated.

    Children, young people and adults can experience sexual violence.

    Women and girls experience this more often.

    Sexual violence, for example, is:

    • to be touched
    • being forced to have sex
    • have to watch others have sex

    That is bad for the person.

    Sexual assault and sexual violence are forbidden!

    You know a child who is affected.

    You want help or you want to help the child.

    Then you can get help at N.I.N.A. e.V.

    A call costs nothing.
    The number is 08 00 22 55 53 0.

    They do not have to say their name.

    The website is not in plain language.

  • Help hotline for violence

    Help hotline for violence

    You can always call here if you need help.

    The help is available in plain language and in sign language.

    The counsellors speak many languages.

    The telephone number is 08 00 0 11 60 16

  • Help hotline for pregnant women

    Help hotline for pregnant women

    You are pregnant and have questions or fear.

    Then you can call the help line.
    Here you will be helped.

    The telephone number is 08 00 40 40 02 0.
    The call is free of charge.

  • Pregnant without alcohol and cigarettes

    Being pregnant without alcohol and cigarettes

    You are pregnant.
    Smoking and alcohol are bad for the baby.

    You want to stop smoking.
    You also want to stop drinking alcohol.

    It can be hard.
    It gets easier with help.

    The website is called IRIS.
    The website is in difficult language.

  • Help in the event of death

    Help in the event of death

    Someone killed himself.
    That hurts.
    That makes you sad.

    Children and young people from 12 to 25 can get help.

    The Leucht-turm on project can help.
    The website is in difficult language.

  • Family guidebook


    Families can get a lot of help.
    Help and money can be applied for.

    That's not so easy.
    The family guidebook can help.

  • Women and money

    Women and money

    Women and money is an important topic.
    For example:

    • Women sometimes get less money for their work
    • Women have children and work less

    Women have to care about money!

    Otherwise they are threatened with old-age poverty.
    If you are old-age poor,
    you can't pay for everything.

    You don't have enough money to pay for everything.
    For example:

    • Rent for the flat
    • Food
    • Dresses
    • Medicines

    People who are poor in old age often have to continue working.
    Or they need money from the state.
    Because they have too little money to live on

    Pension gap

    Every year, a calculation is made of how much pension women and men receive.
    This follows a certain pattern.

    Then everyone can see who gets more or less pension.

    Unfortunately, women still get less pension.

    The difference between the pensions of women and men is called the gender pension gap.
    That's English.
    It's called the gender pension gap.

    This refers to the difference between the pensions of women and men.

    The Federal Statistical Office has calculated how big the difference is.
    The picture shows it clearly.

    Once you calculate what a person gets for themselves alone.
    That's the right comparison in the picture.
    That's how much the person has paid into the pension through their work and is now receiving.

    On the left you can see another comparison.
    If you were married and a partner dies, you also get something from this pension.
    So you get a pension for your own work and something from the work of the other person.

  • Women and work

    Women and work

    Men and women should have the same opportunities.

    Women often take on more care work and child rearing than men.
    They don't get paid for this.
    Men want to help more with care and child rearing.
    A lot still needs to be done so that women and men have equal opportunities.

    The website of the FederalMinistryfor FamilyAffairs, Senior Citizens, Womenand Youth( BMFSFJ ) has taken a look at this.