Being a girl is strong

Hello, nice that you have come to this page!

Why this is great, well, women decide in favour of an equal life when they are girls. And a section will gradually be created here to provide you with help and information.

Now the ball is in your court and you have to decide whether to kick the ball back or start playing with it.

I was a girl, have a daughter and would be delighted if you would do the same and play with the ball.

I welcome your questions and suggestions, also for the design of this page. Let me know what information you would like to have here.

Here we go

Your Monika Björklund

  • Career and study choice

    What am I supposed to do after school?

    Phew, that's a difficult question, isn't it?

    There are so many job profiles and we can't possibly know them all. The idea often comes from people close to us, such as parents, friends, relatives or from a place where we spend a lot of time.

    But the professional world has so much to offer and people often have tunnel vision when it comes to this exciting world. Tunnel vision?

    Yes exactly, by tunnel vision I mean that people are often tempted by the typical job descriptions and women don't even consider all the possibilities because it's mainly boys or men who are involved.

    Be smart and make yourself smart!

    How about looking at your talents to find the right job? And not look at whether it's also a "woman's job"? And if your talents are exactly right for such a "women's job" and your heart beats for it, then everything is totally ok. But it can't hurt to take a look here!

  • Regional working group for girls

    You probably already know a few offers for you as a girl.

    There are many topics and many different organisations that deal with these issues for girls.

    If you would like to find out more about this, click here to go to the girls' work homepage.


  • Girls' memoirs

    If you go to a secondary school in Beckum, then you've probably already had the Mädchenmerker in your hand.

    This calendar is not about school, homework and the like, but about important topics for girls and career choices.

    The print calendar will no longer be published after the 2022/2023 school year. However, this does not mean that the information will no longer be available. You can find information on career choices, leisure activities and girls' stuff under maedchenmerker on Instagram.

    The maedchenmerker channel on Instagram is not just limited to Beckum, but you can also find regional and national offers and location-independent information here.

    The editorial team looks forward to every like and comment, as well as suggestions for improvement or topics. Check out #maedchenmerker!

  • Counselling services


    The coronavirus period was a really difficult time for many people. It has left its mark on many young people. Media consumption has got out of hand and more young people are suffering from depression, anxiety or eating disorders than before the pandemic.

    This is one reason why the Federal Youth Ministry has considered measures to help them.
    Federal Minister Paus has launched the "Junoma" app. The online counselling service from JugendNotmail is available to children and young people 24/7 as a free, low-threshold and data-secure online counselling service.