Men and equality?!

Gender equality is not just a women's issue.

Equality today is about working on structural differences to create conditions for everyone to be able to live their life model.

Equality is not a one-way street, but unfortunately it is not a motorway either!

The feminism I stand for wants all people to have equal opportunities. And that automatically includes boys and men. Without the other half of society, there can be no improvements for all people, especially for vulnerable groups or minorities.

Let's fire up the turbo together.

  • Strong men get help

    Anyone can find themselves in a situation where they don't know what to do. When help from family or friends is no longer helpful, it is good to know that there are counselling services available. These counselling services are aimed directly at boys and men.

    At the Men's Counselling Network, help is available on topics such as unemployment, poverty, education, family, separation, violence, sexuality and much more.

    There is a regional counselling service in the district of Warendorf. Under the heading Real Men Talk, the colleagues from the Social Service of Catholic Men offer crisis support to boys and men in the northern and southern districts of Warendorf. They offer an opportunity to talk from man to man without prejudice.

  • Survival Kit for Men in Crisis Situations

    In a crisis situation, the risk of losing control increases. With the Survival Kit for Men under Pressure , a concrete 10-step recommendation for action has been published in various languages.

    The Survival Kit for Men under Pressure is the result of an initiative of the umbrella organisations for boys', men 's and fathers' work from Switzerland, Austria and Germany, Mä, the umbrella organisation for men's work in Austria and the Federal Men's Forum, in cooperation with the Agredis specialist office, the männerbüro züri and the Berne specialist office for violence.

    The recommendation for action is available in many different languages, for example English, Arabic, Polish, French or Farsi.

    The Survival Kit was developed during the Corona period in order to survive it well. However, some of the points in the recommendations for action are also helpful beyond that.

  • International Men's Day

    Did you know that 19 November is International Men's Day?

    It has been around since 1999, but still receives little attention. So here are a few basic facts about what the day should be about:

    • Focus on boys' and men's health
    • Promoting the role model function of the "everyday man
    • the improvement of gender equality
    • ..
  • Fathers

    Women still do most of the family care work. However, more and more fathers would like to have a better work-life balance. The website Erfolgsfaktor Familie (Success Factor Family ) of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth has published a few figures on the last Father's Day.