Monument protection / preservation

The task of monument protection and preservation is to protect and maintain monuments, to research them scientifically and to impart knowledge about monuments. The aim is to guide monuments towards sensible uses that are in harmony with today's requirements. The protection of monuments is in the public interest; interventions in the protected building fabric must always be weighed up.
Monuments in Beckum

There are over 160 monuments in Beckum. These are not only historical buildings such as churches, but also various buildings that bear witness to the past.
They date from different eras and show the historical growth of the city. The use of the monuments is manifold: there are courtyards, farmhouses, residential and commercial buildings, museums, schools and a youth centre.
The tourist monuments stand out, such as the world's first prestressed concrete beam bridge without intermediate support, the Soestwarte on the Höxberg or the Jewish cemetery.
The chapels, wayside shrines, wayside crosses and monuments should also not be overlooked.

Ground monuments
But not all monuments are recognisable at first glance. Some are located underground and are even partially built over. These ground monuments are just as important as architectural monuments. A special ground monument that can be easily experienced in Beckum today is the stone box grave in Beckum-Dalmer. This has been part of the "Route of Megalithics" since 30 April 2023 and is marked as a stage of the "Way of the Great Stones". The new information boards provide interesting facts about the grave.
Legal basis and competence
In 1980, the protection of historical monuments was enshrined in law in North Rhine-Westphalia.
2022, the Monument Protection Act of North Rhine-Westphalia (DSchG NRW) was reissued and came into force on 1 June 2022.
Objects entered in the list of monuments are subject to the regulations of the North Rhine-Westphalia Monument Protection Act (DSchG NRW). The list of monuments is maintained by the City of Beckum as the lower monument authority.
Financial support
The Denkmalschutzgesetz Nordrhein-Westfalen (DSchG NRW) (North Rhine-Westphalia Monument Protection Act) stipulates that it is the duty of the owner to maintain his or her monument as far as this is economically reasonable.
This is supported by the state. Tax concessions can be claimed or a monument subsidy can be applied for.
For an application for the issue of a tax certificate or if you have any questions, please contact the lower monument authority of the city of Beckum.
Measures on architectural monuments
Owners are obliged by the North Rhine-Westphalia Monument Protection Act (DSchG NRW) to maintain their monument and protect it from danger.
According to §9 (1) DschG NRW:
Anyone wishing to remove, alter or move a monument or part of a monument to another location or change its previous use requires permission from the lower monument authority. Repair work does not require permission if it only affects parts of the monument that are of no significance for its monumental value.
Furthermore, according to §9 (2) DschG NRW:
Permission is also required for anyone wishing to erect, alter or remove installations in the immediate vicinity of a listed building if this may affect the substance or appearance of the listed building.
This also applies to measures on or in the vicinity of a listed building, a garden monument or an archaeological monument.
Please contact the lower monument authority of the city of Beckum to find out whether repairs do not require permission or to enquire about a permit application and other questions.