A bird's eye view of Beckum

The right way to handle the organic waste bin

Only biodegradable waste belongs in the organic waste. This includes fruit and vegetable waste including peelings, coffee grounds including filters, tea bags, food waste, bones, eggshells, spoiled food and also sausage, meat and fish in small household quantities.

Important! Organic waste bins must be filled correctly!

Garden waste such as lawn cuttings and leaves or withered flowers are also suitable for the organic waste bin. In contrast to what is stated in some gardening magazines, prunings from infected and diseased plants (e.g. fungal infections on fruit trees) may also be placed in the organic waste bin. Paper napkins, paper handkerchiefs and kitchen paper towels are also compostable and must therefore be collected and recycled separately from residual waste.

Every household needs a bio-waste container for the organic waste produced in the household that is not recycled by self-composting. Households that confirm that they recycle all organic waste themselves (not via the residual waste bin, of course!) can be exempted from the obligation to connect to the bio-waste bin by the Fachdienst Umwelt und Grün.


Dirt, maggots, stench

Unpleasant side effects in the warm season, such as rotting and odour, maggot infestation and fungal spores can be greatly reduced by appropriate behaviour. The most important thing is to make sure that the moisture in the organic waste is absorbed, thus preventing rotting processes. Line the bottom of your organic waste bin with several layers of crumpled newspaper. In addition, organic waste should already be wrapped in paper in the kitchen. It absorbs moisture and keeps the inside of the waste bin clean. Newspaper or baker's bags are well suited for this purpose. Without much effort, the moisture content is reduced and there is less odour and spore formation.

The organic waste bin should not be placed in the blazing sun. At high temperatures, organic waste decomposes more quickly and odours and mould can develop more easily. A shady and cool location for the bin is better. Use a recyclable, sealable and fly-proof pre-sorting container instead of a plastic bag. You can obtain a suitable container from the Environment and Greenery Department.

It is also advisable to alternate kitchen waste with green waste from the garden in the bio-waste container. The organic waste should lie loosely in the container and not be pressed, as otherwise slight rotting processes will occur. Always keep the lid of the bio-waste container closed so that no flies get to the bio-waste. Maggots develop from the deposited eggs. Wash out the organic waste bin with water from time to time after emptying, because the residues in the organic waste bin in particular contribute to odour and vermin nuisance. The washing water can be poured directly into the sewage system.

Please do not use these bags! They damage the process in the composting plant!

Do not use "plastic-like" biodegradable waste bags offered by the trade! These are not completely degraded at the waste management company of the district of Warendorf mbH in Ennigerloh in the composting plant due to the short rotting time. They are also often not recognisable as such and therefore have to be sorted out at great expense.

In the frosty winter months, there is a risk that wet waste will freeze to the bottom of the bin. It is then important to place the organic waste containers in a frost-free place at least the day before emptying to prevent the contents from freezing. It is also advisable to loosen the contents again with a shovel or spade directly before emptying.