Münsterland is climate country
The Münsterland is climate country: this is how the region presents itself today and in the future! This includes careful use of natural and human resources, climate-friendly management and the creation of healthy living conditions.
The "Münsterland ist Klimaland" campaign website provides information on the five key areas of climate protection in everyday life.
Participants in the Münsterland-wide campaign are the districts of Borken, Coesfeld, Steinfurt and Warendorf, the city of Münster and Münsterland e.V., which coordinates the region's climate protection work as a network centre, as well as the state company NRW.Energy4Climate.

Refurbishment guide
Conserving resources, reducing CO2 emissions, saving energy: The refurbishment of buildings is an important topic on the way to more climate protection. As part of the "Münsterland ist Klimaland" initiative, Münsterland e.V. has worked with two districts and eleven local authorities from the region to develop the Münsterland refurbishment guide, which serves as an orientation aid for building projects.
The 70-page brochure summarises everything you need to know about energy-efficient refurbishment - from the initial idea through the construction period to completion and beyond. The content includes tips for starting refurbishment, information on refurbishment concepts with qualified building energy advice and an overview of energy-related measures. Financial planning and subsidies as well as information on building law and insurance are also included.