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Support programmes


  • The project objective must be in line with the objectives of the funding programme.
  • Grants are only awarded within the scope of available budget funds.
  • The announcement of a funding programme does not constitute a legal entitlement to actual funding.
  • As a rule, the project may not begin until after the application has been approved.
  • The EU's de minimis regulation must be observed.
  • Subsidy programmes are subject to change.
  • Ministry of Economic Affairs and NRW.BANK ignite investment turbo

    NRW.BANK.Invest Zukunft: New programme to implement the transformation

    7 March 2025

    Good news for companies in North Rhine-Westphalia: The new NRW.BANK.Invest Zukunft loan programme will be launched in May 2025. This will provide companies that invest in sustainability, digitalisation and innovation with additional support from NRW.BANK. The programme offers an interest rate that is up to two percent lower than the market rate and repayment discounts of up to 20 percent. Funding will be much simpler, as the new programme combines four existing funding programmes. This means that companies can benefit from the advantages quickly and conveniently. The aim of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and NRW.BANK is to make investments more attractive, increase the competitiveness of companies and speed up the transformation process.

    Economics and Climate Protection Minister Mona Neubaur: "The German and North Rhine-Westphalian economies are facing major structural challenges. With the new NRW.BANK.Invest Zukunft programme, we are creating a highly reduced-interest promotional loan with a high repayment discount of up to 20 percent for the first time outside of crisis programmes. Together with the recently launched special guarantee programme "Green Transformation", we are thus igniting an investment turbo for North Rhine-Westphalia and sending a clear signal for the future viability of our business location. With the turnaround in the expansion of renewable energy and the acceleration package for planning and approval procedures, this is a real booster for North Rhine-Westphalia."

    NRW.BANK also sees the programme as an important stimulus for the business location. Johanna Antonie Tjaden-Schulte, member of the Managing Board of NRW.BANK responsible for transformation and innovation: "In order to shape the economic future in North Rhine-Westphalia, we need companies that invest in sustainable and digital transformation as well as in innovation. We are actively promoting this with better conditions than ever before through our NRW.BANK.Invest Zukunft programme. In this way, we ensure that change and profitability go hand in hand - and that as many companies in NRW as possible can benefit from this. We are convinced that we are providing an important impetus to accelerate progress in the state."

    What is subsidised?

    The NRW.BANK.Invest Zukunft programme provides companies with financial support for a very broad range of investments, for example in:

    • the digitalisation of business processes,
    • Electromobility and environmentally friendly technologies,
    • The circular economy and sustainable production processes,
    • the switch to renewable energies or
    • the use of AI.

    NRW.BANK's new programme also supports the introduction and development of innovative business models, products and processes. A simple proof of use is all that is required to utilise the funding - thus reducing bureaucracy to a minimum.

    Who can benefit?

    All companies in North Rhine-Westphalia can take advantage of the subsidised loans - regardless of their size. Small and medium-sized companies also receive a repayment discount of five, ten or 20 per cent - depending on the investment amount and company size. The maximum loan amount is ten million euros. The highest possible saving for a small company investing ten million euros is two million euros.

    Sample calculation:

    With a loan amount of 500,000 euros and a term of ten years, a small company can save up to 170,000 euros. The rule of thumb is: the smaller a company is and the more it invests in transformation, the higher the savings on financing costs.

    How can I apply for the programme?

    All loans from the new programme can be applied for via the respective house bank from 19 May 2025 . Further information on the new funding programme can be found at: www.nrwbank.de/investzukunft.

  • ClimateAdaptation.Company.NRW

    Climate change has long since arrived in North Rhine-Westphalia - as shown by the data from the NRW Climate Atlas and the technical report "Climate development and climate projections in North Rhine-Westphalia" recently published by the State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection (LANUV) - and will continue to progress. The aim of the state government is to limit the negative effects of climate change in North Rhine-Westphalia through consistent climate change prevention and by strengthening the adaptability and resilience of the environment, economy and society.

    This ERDF funding measure aims to support small and medium-sized enterprises in protecting their economic activities by adapting their properties to the negative consequences of climate change and making them more climate-resilient. The funding programme focuses on measures that use sustainable and nature-based solutions to reduce vulnerability and maintain and increase the ability of companies and their properties to adapt to the effects of climate change in the long term. The aim of the funding is to promote the sustainable and competitive development of the subsidised companies and thus also the overall economy in North Rhine-Westphalia and the sustainable preservation and expansion of jobs. The "Klimaanpassung.Unternehmen.NRW" guideline funding serves to implement ERDF/JTF Programme Priority 2 (Sustainable NRW) and contributes to Specific Objective 7 "Promoting adaptation to climate change and disaster prevention and resilience, taking into account ecosystem-based approaches".

    The "Klimaanpassung.Unternehmen.NRW" funding measure is being implemented as part of European regional funding (ERDF/JTF Programme NRW 2021-2027) under the leadership of the Ministry of the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia (MUNV). You can find more information on the background to European regional funding under About us.

    The application procedure is one-stage, project applications can be submitted until 31 March 2026.

    You can find detailed information about the programme here

  • NRW Prize for Resource Conservation

    The renowned NRW Efficiency Award will become the NRW Resource Conservation Award in 2025 - with the new NRW Resource Conservation Award, the Efficiency Agency NRW (efa) is launching a modern development of the NRW Efficiency Award, which has been regularly awarded since 2000, under the motto "Circularity wins!". Together with the young talent award MehrWert NRW, the award ceremony puts the spotlight on resource conservation, circular economy and sustainable innovations. In addition to the award sponsors efa and the NRW Consumer Advice Centre, NRW.BANK and HANDWERK.NRW are also involved as cooperation partners. Companies, students and trainees are invited to submit their innovative projects and ideas with immediate effect.

    NRW Prize for Resource Conservation: Circularity wins!

    The NRW Resource Conservation Award sets new standards by recognising particularly innovative circular products, services and business models that contribute to the circular economy. The award thus picks up on efa's leitmotif: "Conserve resources. Circular economy."

    "The development of circular products and business models is a key component in reducing resource consumption, lowering greenhouse gas emissions and making companies fit for the future," explains Dr Peter Jahns, Head of the Efficiency Agency NRW. "With the NRW Resource Conservation Award, we want to show the public what is already possible today and motivate companies to follow these paths as well."

    The projects submitted are assessed by an independent jury, which evaluates the submissions according to their degree of innovation and practical relevance. The best projects will be honoured with prize money totalling 20,000 euros.

    Companies can apply directly on the efa website until 15 May 2025.

    Young talent award MehrWert NRW: Creative ideas for a resource-conserving future

    In cooperation with the NRW Consumer Advice Centre, the MehrWert NRW young talent award offers students, graduates and trainees a platform for the fifth time to present original new products, services or concepts for consumers that creatively help to conserve resources and live more sustainably.

    "The award ceremony also offers space for encounters between the young talents, companies and experts. This exchange paves the way for the further development of attractive products that offer real added value for consumers," says Wolfgang Schuldzinski, Chairman of the Consumer Advice Centre NRW.

    The Young Talent Award is endowed with 3,000 euros and the best entries will also be selected by an expert jury. Applications are possible until 30 July 2025. Further information can be found HERE.

    NRW.BANK back on board 

    NRW.BANK is involved as a co-operation partner in the NRW Prize for Resource Conservation and the NRW Added Value Prize for Young Talent. In addition to sponsoring the prize money of EUR 3,000 for the young talent award, the focus is on contributing professional expertise. The development bank for North Rhine-Westphalia will be represented on the juries for both prizes and will also offer its advisory and coaching services to participants in the NRW Added Value Prize for Young Talent.

    "Good ideas for the sustainable use of energy and resources are the fuel for transformation. With them, we are shaping a climate-neutral economy in North Rhine-Westphalia," says Eckhard Forst, Chairman of the Managing Board of NRW.BANK. "Our task is to support entrepreneurs who drive the necessary change with innovations. The NRW Prize for Resource Conservation and the MehrWert NRW Young Talent Award once again demonstrate the innovative strength of the green economy here in North Rhine-Westphalia."

    HANDWERK.NRW is a new partner

    As a state association, HANDWERK.NRW represents the combined interests of around 200,000 skilled trades businesses in North Rhine-Westphalia and promotes close co-operation between the skilled trades, society and science.

    "The skilled trades combine tradition with innovation. Thousands of master craftswomen, journeymen and trainees work every day in practice on resource-saving solutions for their customers and their own businesses. We invite all young talents from the skilled crafts sector to enter their creative ideas and projects for the NRW MoreValue Young Talent Award and thus make the indispensable role of the skilled crafts sector in the area of sustainability even more visible," says Andreas Ehlert, President of HANDWERK.NRW.

    Award ceremony in autumn 2025

    The winners of the NRW Resource Conservation Award and the NRW Added Value for Young Talent Award will be honoured at an award ceremony in autumn 2025.

    Further information on the conditions of participation, application and procedure for the NRW Resource Conservation Award and the NRW Added Value Award for Young Talent can be found HERE.

  • Special guarantee from the state of NRW for investments in sustainability

    The state of North Rhine-Westphalia is helping companies to invest in their future and thus strengthen their competitiveness. Companies that want to switch their manufacturing processes to climate-neutral methods, for example, and thereby reduce emissions, can benefit from a special guarantee from the state in future.

    The minimum amount of the loan to be collateralised by this transformation guarantee is two million euros and the maximum amount is 25 million euros.

    Guarantees can replace missing loan collateral and thus make it easier for banks to grant loans to companies in North Rhine-Westphalia. The support of a financing bank is therefore an important prerequisite. The new special guarantee combines the existing high financing requirements for climate-neutral transformation projects with the state guarantee instrument. Lower collateralisation requirements, a lower fee and streamlined processes are particularly attractive for companies. Directly enforceable shareholder guarantees are not envisaged.

    Interested companies can contact PricewaterhouseCoopers GmbH, the auditing firm commissioned by the state of NRW, for further information. Here you will find information on the NRW Special Guarantee Programme Green Transformation 

  • Sustainability in the hospitality industry: start successfully and profit

    Discover how you can develop and implement an effective sustainability strategy in the hospitality industry in three simple steps. Start now and secure long-term benefits for your company and the environment!

    Do you run a hotel, restaurant or other catering business and hear from all sides that sustainability and environmental protection are becoming increasingly important? Don't know exactly how to get started? You are not alone!

    Sustainability is multifaceted and complex, and many people find it difficult to maintain an overview. It is important to recognise that sustainability is a process. We can't save the whole world overnight, but we can make a positive contribution - to the environment, to society and also to our profitability. The first step is crucial: don't hesitate, get started right away.

    Further information can be found on the DEHOGA website

  • Operational mobility management

    The "Operational Mobility Management" funding programme launched by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport pursues three objectives:

    1. the programme is intended to promote effective standard measures for corporate mobility management through, for example, measures to increase and improve cycling, to convert fleets to sustainable drive types and to digitally support the coordination and control of traffic flows. The programme is aimed exclusively at SMEs.

    2. the initial funding is intended to support the development of location-specific concepts in corporate mobility management on the basis of standardised consulting services accompanied by suitability-tested consultants. The initial funding is aimed exclusively at SMEs with little or no previous experience in the field of mobility management. Interested mobility consultants can apply for a listing in the consultancy pool via the Federal Office for Logistics and Mobility (BALM) by submitting an application for an aptitude test .

    3. innovation funding is aimed at innovative concepts in corporate mobility management that have a demonstration character and serve as important impulses for application-orientated future solutions. The prerequisite for funding is an existing mobility concept or conceptual considerations with various fields of action. A two-stage application process begins with the publication of the call for funding for innovation promotion, with which companies and organisations can apply with individual or joint projects. Legal entities under private and public law, natural persons as long as they are economically active, universities and non-university research institutions are eligible to apply for innovation funding. The participation of SMEs is expressly encouraged.

    The term of the funding guideline is limited until the date on which the de minimis Regulation expires, plus an adjustment period of six months, i.e. until 30 June 2024. If the period of application of the de minimis Regulation is extended without any relevant changes to the content of the aid scheme, the term of these funding guidelines will be extended accordingly, but not beyond 31 December 2025.

    You can find more information here

  • Kompass - Compact help for solo self-employed people

    Self-employed professionals and freelancers can find themselves in existentially jeopardising situations even in non-crisis times. In addition to time and human resources, it is not uncommon for those affected to lack the basic knowledge needed to position themselves in a crisis-proof manner in the long term.

    KOMPASS is intended to support full-time solo self-employed persons with a maximum of 1 full-time equivalent (FTE) of employees in increasing the sustainability of their business model. To this end, an unbureaucratic and low-threshold procedure is intended to facilitate access to qualification services in order to create prospects for future-proof solo self-employment.

    Through centralised further training measures, the participants are to acquire extended knowledge for company management and be put in a position to make their business model as crisis-proof and future-proof as possible.

    Term: 15.10.2022 - 30.04.2026

    All information on the programme can be found on the website of the European Social Fund for Germany

    Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs

    Unit VIGru EF4 -
    European Globalisation Fund
    Managing Authority,
    ESF Programme Implementation
    10117 Berlin

    E-mail: vigruef4@bmas.bund.de

  • Extension of the Gründungsstipendium.NRW

    With monthly support of 1,200 euros over 12 months, the NRW state government creates a secure financial foundation for founders during the start-up phase. This financial support can be extended by three months upon the birth of a child and suspended for up to 12 months while receiving parental allowance.

    The change in the funding programme compared to the previous programme is intended to promote women and families in particular, in order to increase the current share of 24.5 percent of female start-ups.

    With the Gründungsstipendium.NRW, a maximum of three founders of a start-up each receive the funding amount.

    Interested parties from Beckum can contact Ms Marianne Koschany-Rohbeck (02521-850517, rohbeck@gfw-waf.de from the Gesellschaft für Wirtschaftsförderung im Kreis Warendorf(http://www.gfw-waf.de) for information on the NRW start-up grant.

  • Partnership programme for business cooperation - Partnering in Business with Germany

    The aim of the programme, which is supported by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, is to successfully initiate business between SMEs from developing and emerging countries and Germany.

    Every year, around 1,000 foreign managers are prepared to enter the German market and B2B contacts are established with German companies that want to tap into new markets. This partnership-based approach creates long-term business relationships and a global network of internationally active SMEs.

    Further information can be found on the Manager Programme page