
German Sustainability Award Company
Global crises are putting transformation under pressure. But some companies are showing the way: Change is feasible and economically viable. The DNP recognises the pioneers - with new evaluation processes and a stronger stage for the best.
The economy is experiencing a time of great uncertainty. Climate protection is increasingly being called into question. Sustainable solutions are struggling to be prioritised. Companies that boldly lead the way are providing strong impetus for their industry and society. They are shaping change despite resistance and taking responsibility for their industry and society. Their commitment deserves visibility and recognition.
With new processes and award formats, the German Sustainability Award puts these pioneers in the spotlight and strengthens the momentum of transformation. The competition for the 18th DNP Company will start on 1 March 2025.
Click here for more information about the DNP company
Evaluations are possible until 30 March 2025.
The DNP Companies honours the leading players in the German economy. The DNP Products honours outstanding innovations with a measurable impact in the transformation fields. Pioneers of a more sustainable healthcare system can apply for the DNP Health.
On 4 and 5 December 2025, #DNP18 will bring together the best minds in sustainable transformation at the MARITIM Hotel Düsseldorf. The congress offers a new stage for the winners' strategies, controversial debates and dialogue with experts from business, politics and science. The award ceremonies in the evening will honour the outstanding achievements of the winners and make their successes visible to a wide audience.
German Tourism Award
In 2025, the German Tourism Award will be presented for the 21st time by the German Tourism Association (DTV). Every year, the German Tourism Award honours pioneering products and projects in German tourism.
We are looking for innovative, creative and professionally implemented experience and service offers, cooperation models and financing concepts, digitalisation projects, marketing campaigns, mobility offers, events or other forward-looking projects and products that provide inspiration for tourism in Germany. The market launch of the competition entry must have already taken place, but must not be more than two years ago.
The application phase for the German Tourism Award 2025 will run from 2 April 2025 to 4 June 2025, 6 pm. The award ceremony will take place on 19 November at the German Tourism Day 2025 in Saarbrücken.
Each competition entry is assessed by the jury on the basis of four criteria. The innovation criterion accounts for the majority of the points (40 per cent of the assessment). Quality & customer focus, cost-effectiveness and sustainability are each weighted at 20 per cent.
Who can take part in the competition?
Anyone who has realised a forward-looking idea for tourism in Germany can apply - regardless of whether they are an association, municipality or private individual.
What can be submitted?
We are looking for innovative, creative and professionally implemented experience and service offers, cooperation models and financing concepts, digitalisation projects, marketing campaigns, mobility offers, events or other forward-looking projects and products that bring a breath of fresh air to the German tourism industry.
Important condition: The market launch of the competition entry must have already taken place, but no longer than two years ago. Idea sketches and concepts that are still languishing in a drawer cannot be considered.
What are the criteria?
Forward-looking products and projects pursue a holistic approach and combine innovative and sustainable thinking and action. The German Tourism Award therefore focuses on the four competition criteria: Degree of innovation, quality & customer-orientation, economic efficiency & economic effects as well as ecological & social sustainability.
How can I apply?
Registration and application will take place from 2 April 2025 using an online questionnaire. You can also upload additional documents there. The application deadline is 4 June 2025 at 18:00!
After the formal criteria have been checked by the DTV, you will receive an invoice. Upon receipt of the invoice, you are bindingly admitted to the competition.
Who evaluates the contributions?
Once again this year, we have been able to assemble an experienced jury of industry experts. They will scrutinise the submissions and use their expertise to award prizes to the best entries. They will be complemented by innovative minds who have distinguished themselves as top innovators with their own contributions to the German Tourism Awards in recent years.
The jury is supported by the Scientific Advisory Board.
What does participation cost?
Participation in the competition for the German Tourism Award is subject to a fee.
Members and indirect members* pay 150 euros (plus VAT).
The participation fee for non-members is 300 euros (plus VAT).
- An indirect member of the DTV is a tourism organisation or municipality that itself belongs to a superordinate tourism organisation, which in turn is a direct or indirect member of the DTV. Members of supporting members of the DTV (e.g. individual companies, individuals or other organisations) are generally considered non-members.
Further information and the opportunity to apply can be found on the German Tourism Award page
North Rhine-Westphalia Soil Protection Award 2025 - Land recycling on contaminated sites
organised by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia and the AAV - Association for Land Recycling and Contaminated Site Remediation
General information
Soil is an important basis for life: for biodiversity and species diversity, clean groundwater, climate impact adaptation, the production of our food, housing and recreation and, last but not least, the basis for economic production. In densely populated North Rhine-Westphalia, natural, near-natural and agricultural soils and land are on the one hand valuable assets with very limited availability, but on the other hand also coveted and subject to considerable competitive pressure, which must be preserved for future generations.
In order to avoid additional consumption of nature and open space and to prevent risks to soil and groundwater, the preparation of industrially contaminated brownfield sites through land recycling and remediation of contaminated sites is the key task for the future. The regeneration of inner-city brownfield sites makes an important contribution to the sustainable and resource-conserving development of our cities and regions, the preservation of our livelihoods and the safeguarding of an attractive living environment.
The Soil Protection Award is organised by the Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport (MUNV) and the AAV - Association for Land Recycling and Contaminated Site Remediation: It is intended to support and strengthen land recycling and the remediation of contaminated sites as well as public awareness of soil protection. It also aims to highlight the associated opportunities. This is the sixth time that the Soil Protection Prize has been awarded in NRW, following awards in 2009, 2011, 2014, 2018 and 2021.
What criteria are taken into account when assessing applications?
- Development and implementation of soil protection concepts at municipal level
- Strategies for the development of derelict sites, e.g. derelict land register
- Contribution to internal development and site improvement
- Visibility of a recognisable and concrete subsequent use on previously used areas in NRW
- Consideration of soil/resource protection and climate impact adaptation, e.g:
- Separation and recycling of soil material and construction waste of varying quality and contamination
- Soil-conserving handling during demolition, remediation, reinstatement and recultivation
- Soil science construction monitoring for linear and surface structures
- Promotion of soil cooling capacity in urban areas, e.g. through unsealing
What should the application look like?
- Your application should be submitted on this application page set up on the AAV homepage. Complete the form and also upload a single PDF file with a maximum size of 25 MB.
- The PDF document should contain the following:
- A project description on a maximum of three A4 pages with project details and highlighting the special nature of the project in relation to the Soil Protection Award
- Up to eight additional informative project images
- Naming of all participants involved in the project
- An informal declaration that all project participants agree to take part in the competition
Who is the competition aimed at?
The state competition is aimed at all stakeholders from business, trade, logistics and crafts, municipalities, municipal associations, special-purpose associations and municipal consortia as well as private co-operations, consortia and partnerships, such as engineering and planning offices, architects, landscape architects, project developers, urban planners, property owners, property developers and construction companies.
What happens to the applications?
The projects submitted are first scrutinised by a panel of experts to ensure that they meet the criteria. This is carried out by representatives of the following institutions:
- Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Transport NRW
- Ministry of Regional Identity, Communities and Local Government, Building and Digitalisation NRW
- Ministry of Economic Affairs, Industry, Climate Protection and Energy NRW
- NRW State Agency for Nature, Environment and Consumer Protection
- AAV - Association for Land Recycling and Contaminated Site Remediation
The registered projects will then be finally assessed by a jury. The jury's decisions are final and there is no legal recourse.
The twelve members of the jury are
Jury chair: Dr Hans Richter, deputy chairman of the AAV association
Jury members:
Prof Harald Burmeier, Chairman of the ITVA Engineering Association for Contaminated Site Management and Land Recycling e. V.
Susanne Crayen, Vice President of the NRW Chamber of Architects
Dr Andrea Dittrich-Wesbuer, Deputy Director of the Institute for Regional and Urban Development Research
Michael Fastring, representative of the municipal umbrella organisations
Alexander Felsch, Managing Director at unternehmer nrw
N.N., Handwerk NRW
Constanze Schmidt, Wuppertal Institute for Climate, Environment and Energy gGmbH
Prof Dr Jens Utermann, President of the German Soil Association (Bundesverband Boden e.V.)
Prof Dr Anna von Mikecz, Member of the Board of NABU Naturschutzbund Deutschland e.V.
Jörg Winkelsträter, IHK-NRW spokesman for environmental policy
What is there to win?
Prizes with a total value of 10,000 euros will be awarded. The jury will decide on the distribution. The jury's decision is binding and final, with no recourse to legal action. The winners will receive a certificate and a cheque for the prize money. The award ceremony will be held on 3 December 2025 in Hattingen by the NRW Ministry of the Environment and the AAV.
Until when can I apply?
The closing date for applications is 30 May 2025 at 12 noon.
Who can provide further information?
AAV - Association for Land Recycling and Contaminated Site Remediation
Contact by e-mail:
bodenschutzpreis@aav-nrw.deSabine Schidlowski-Boos
Association communication
Dr Andrea Holzapfel
Project registration
Apply now and become a climate protection company
The Excellence Initiative Climate Protection Companies is accepting new members and looks forward to receiving your application. Companies of all sizes and from all sectors that pursue climate protection, environmental protection or adaptation to the climate crisis as a strategic corporate goal can join the initiative. The Federal Ministry of Economics, the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the German Chamber of Industry and Commerce are calling for companies to become part of the network of pioneers in corporate climate protection. The deadline for applications is 31 August 2025.
Robert Habeck, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection: "The economic transformation is in full swing. Investment in renewable energies is increasing rapidly worldwide. In Germany, they are now making a significant contribution to our security of supply. In the energy sector, as in other industries, it is becoming clear that climate protection is increasingly becoming a question of competitiveness, both on the domestic and global markets. At the same time, the economic environment has not become any easier. This is why it is so important that individual companies are motivated to lead the way and prove their worth: Climate protection measures are financially worthwhile and strengthen our location. The exchange with other companies, as it takes place in the network of climate protection companies, contributes significantly to success. Joining the network is therefore worthwhile - and so is applying!"
Steffi Lemke, Federal Minister for the Environment and Consumer Protection: "The effects of the pressing ecological crises of our time - climate crisis, species extinction and pollution crisis - are huge challenges and jeopardise prosperity in our country. We need as many companies as possible to invest in ambitious climate protection and precautionary climate adaptation. The network of climate protection companies brings together the best ideas for more sustainable business models. Become part of it and make your company fit for the future - become a pioneer as a climate protection company!"
DIHK President Peter Adrian: "Climate protection is an important part of day-to-day operations and investment decisions in many companies across all sectors. At the same time, the tense economic environment is also casting a shadow over transformation activities in the economy. This makes it all the more valuable to have role models who can show the way even in difficult times: Investments in corporate climate protection are worthwhile in our country. These are key investments in competitiveness and therefore the future of your own company. A strong network helps here. Committed companies benefit from the mutual exchange of experience and can jointly provide impetus for the economy."
Jörg Schmidt, Chairman of Climate Protection Companies: "Think ahead, live ahead, lead the way! Under this motto, climate protection companies have been driving the transformation to a climate-neutral Germany for more than 15 years. With their examples of best practice, our members impressively demonstrate that energy and resource efficiency measures in companies are a clear competitive advantage. Our members are aware of their responsibility for preserving the diversity of life on our planet and support each other in making further adjustments on the way to becoming a climate-neutral company. Apply to become a member, benefit from our very active association network and join us in advancing corporate climate protection."
Interested in becoming a climate protection company? The application process starts with an online check, which provides a quick overview of the application prospects. At the end of the process, an independent panel of experts decides on admission. Successful applicants are accepted at a public event and honoured with a certificate from the Federal Ministry of Economics, the Federal Ministry for the Environment and the DIHK.
All information on the application process can be found here.
Florian Beißwanger
Press spokesperson
Klimaschutz-Unternehmen e. V.
Tel.: +49 170-66 40 22 0
beisswanger@klimaschutz-unternehmen.deThe Climate Protection Companies Association sees itself as a cross-industry network of companies that are committed to achieving Germany's climate policy goals with innovative solutions. Companies of all sizes that pursue climate protection, environmental protection or adaptation to the climate crisis as a strategic corporate goal are part of the Excellence Initiative. With their best practices, the climate protection companies show how energy and resource efficiency can be implemented in the interests of climate protection.
Green Product Award 2025
The award reaches 7 million people worldwide every year. This year, companies and start-ups from all over the world are invited to enter their sustainable products and services in the competition under the motto "Green Olympics". Training camps, qualification rounds and networking events will accompany the process until the showdown in Berlin.
The international Green Product Awards have been presented annually since 2013 and, depending on their quality, participants benefit from numerous advantages such as project feedback, seals and visibility.
Interested parties whose concepts are not yet on the market can apply for the Green Concept Award.
The organising committee and contact point for the awards is the >> Green Future Club. The club offers members an extended platform for active learning and networking.Click here to register