A bird's eye view of Beckum

City terraces in Neubeckum


Message from 19.06.2024: From mid-March to 11 June, the city terraces were set up at various locations in Neubeckum. The rental furniture from Zukunftsnetz Mobilität NRW, which is usually set up in car parks, was well received. They are used to discuss transport issues. Neubeckum town centre management accompanied the project and is now evaluating what conclusions can be drawn from the urban experiment.

06.06.2024, reading and craft afternoon with the reading mentors of the Neubeckum public library on the town hall square

to the press release

29.05.2024, Bürgermeister-Dialog

26.05.2024, Impressions from the city festival

Message from 23.05.2024:
The city terraces on the town hall forecourt have been moved slightly due to the city festival. They can still be used. They will be returned to their original position after the city festival.

Message from 16.05.2024: The mayors' dialogue on the city terraces has been postponed to 29.05.2024 from 2 to 4 pm.

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22.03.2024: The city terraces are planted

Many thanks to the hard-working gardeners from the daycare centre Die Grashüpfer and the daycare centre Arche Noah from Neubeckum! It was great fun!

24.03.2024: Opening of the city terraces for the active festival

Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich opens the Stadt-Terrassen on stage

First seating for the press on the terrace in front of the neighbourhood living room

On the bench: Neubeckum town centre manager Serena Große-Kreul, Mayor Michael Gerdhenrich, behind them from left: Head of Urban Development Uwe Denkert and Chairman of the Neubeckum Trade Association Thomas Dreier

Traffic experiment in Neubeckum town centre from 21.03.2024 to 11.06.2024

The city terraces are rental furniture provided free of charge by Zukunftsnetz Mobilität NRW to enable practical discussions on transport issues. They will be located in Hauptstraße, at the railway station and on Rathausplatz and are intended to provide additional quality of stay - including in places where cars are usually parked.

Modules with benches, small tables and planters have been set up along the main street, inviting people to relax, chat and feast. There is a stage with platforms and a picnic set on the town hall square, where people can linger, but also rehearse and perform. Seating and planters will ensure a pleasant arrival at the station, while a bike station will also be available for minor bike repairs or tyre inflation.

Now it's your turn!
Take advantage of the furniture during your visit to the town centre, relax and enjoy your ice cream, coffee or something else on the Stadt-Terrassen. Various stakeholders in Neubeckum are already planning activities with and on the Stadt-Terrassen, so why not do the same: a children's birthday party or a meeting of the senior citizens' group in the park, a small performance by the band, a repair campaign for the association's bikes, ... many things are possible!

Action plan


Planting with children from Neubeckum daycare centres

22.03.24, 10 a.m.

Opening of the Stadt-Terrassen at the Aktiv-Fest by the mayor (Stadt-Terrasse before Verve!)

24.03.24, 13:15

Neubeckum city centre management office hours (city terrace in front of Verve!)

In good weather every Thursday from 13:00 - 15:00

In bad weather in the neighbourhood living room

Terrace fun at the city festival

26.05.24, from 13:00

Mayoral dialogue
29.05.24, 14:00 - 16:00

Reading organised by the Neubeckum Public Library Association for children aged 3 to 6 (on the town hall square)

06.06.24, 16:30

Photo competition

Further information can be found at the bottom of the website

Until 14.06.24!

If you let us know in advance, we can tell you whether other things are already planned at the same time and advertise your campaign on social media and on this page if there is interest!

We look forward to receiving feedback on the city terraces or other topics relating to the city centre!

You can give us your opinion at:

Information on the photo competition

Take part in the photo competition!

Send your photo of the City Terrace by e-mail to neubeckum@stadtraumkonzept.de if you would like to take part in the City Terraces photo competition.

We award prizes for the categories:

  • The most imaginative photo
  • The funniest photo
  • The most beautiful photo
  • Most people on the city terrace/on the photo
  • The photo with the most unusual use of the city terrace

You can win 10 times 1 voucher worth 10 euros for the participating ice cream parlours (Eiscafé San Marco and Eiscafé Galante, both Hauptstraße Neubeckum). Participation is possible with one photo per participant (e-mail address). The closing date for entries is 14/06/2024, 23:59, the recorded time of receipt of the e-mail applies. After the closing date, a jury consisting of representatives of institutions in Neubeckum will select the 10 winning photos. The winners will be notified by email and announced in print and digital media.

By taking part in the competition, you confirm that you own the rights to the image and that the people depicted and recognisable in the photo also agree to take part. By taking part in the competition, you consent to the publication of your image in print and digital media. By participating, you consent to the collection and use of your e-mail address and name. We collect, store and process this personal data for the purpose of organising and running the competition and to notify you if you win. The data will not be passed on to third parties. You can revoke your consent at any time by sending us a message. Your data will then be deleted.