A bird's eye view of Beckum

Our service for your company

The Economic Development Department of the City of Beckum sees itself as a service provider for

  • Beckum company
  • companies interested in settling
  • Start-ups

The overarching goal is to create the best possible framework conditions for the further development of the resident companies and the settlement of additional businesses in Beckum.

Our service includes:

  • Provision of all kinds of information about Beckum as a business location
  • Location advice and concrete location offers
  • Intensive personal advice and support on site
  • Brokerage of land and commercial properties
  • Support in building and planning issues
  • Information service as part of company visits
  • Organisation and implementation of professional and networking events
  • Organisation and implementation of the training fair
  • Pilot function within the administration, to other authorities, organisations and interest groups
  • Business newsletter with information on funding programmes, competitions, changes in legislation relevant to the economy and events

Within the city hall, the Economic Development Department primarily has an advisory and coordinating function. It ensures short administrative channels and transparency in the administrative support of the interests of the business community. The guiding principles of business development are complete service from a single source, rapid processing and response to concerns, and discretion. And what we can do for you is best discussed in person.